Dicksonia Antarctica

Discussion in 'Tropical Gardening' started by TheDee, May 21, 2023.

  1. TheDee

    TheDee Apprentice Gardener

    May 21, 2023
    I have a dicksonia antarctica tree fern. I've owned it over twenty years, its about two metres tall. It has always been spectacular, huge fronds, 12 or 13 every year.
    I used a hosepipe to water at the top. Gave it some miracle grow liquid feed every spring. Insulated with fleece in winter. It was, very happy indeed for two decades. A few years ago, the beast from the East got it. i insulated too late. It has struggled in the years since, small and late fronds.
    This year, no new growth at all. Its not rotted, or mushy, but bone dry and no fronds.
    Do I give up, or is there a way to revive?
    Ive considered cutting off the top, maybe thats dead, but alive further down the trunk?
    Or maybe its completely dead?
    Last edited: May 21, 2023
  2. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    I lost my 6ft one to The Beast from the East, it did the same as yours, threw out some small fronds then last year it died. I think this last hard winter would have killed it even if insulated.

    There is no way to revive them, the only bit that grows is the top. The trunk core is made of roots that can't regenerate. I tried with a smaller one, grafted a seedling onto it but it didn't take and it too faded away.

    I wouldn't give up on yours yet, keep it well watered and if possible give it shade from the sun.
  3. TheDee

    TheDee Apprentice Gardener

    May 21, 2023
    Thanks for the info. I was feeling very guilty, that id maybe killed a hundred year old fern. Good to know i may not be entirely to blame. I was counting on grafting a new fern on top, but it seems that may not be viable.

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