Digger Dan's Movie Madness

Discussion in 'Members Hobbies' started by DiggerDan, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. DiggerDan

    DiggerDan Gardener

    Feb 12, 2009
    So, my mum (Helofadigger) suggested that I should pop over here and discuss movies with you fine folk. So I'm talk about recent films I've seen (whether they are new or old releases.)

    So lets start this ball rolling.

    The Wrestler (2008)
    Plot - "This is a drama about an aging professional wrestler, decades past his prime, who now barely gets by working small wrestling shows in VFW halls and as a part-time grocery store employee. As he faces health problems that may end his wrestling career for good he attempts to come to terms with his life outside the ring: by working full time at the grocery store, trying to reconcile with the daughter he abandoned in childhood and forming a closer bond with a stripper he has romantic feelings for. He struggles with his new life and an offer of a high-profile rematch with his 1980s arch-nemesis, The Ayatollah, which may be his ticket back to stardom."

    So first of all I was a huge wrestling fan up untill a couple of years ago, so I assumed that I would have an interest in this. Well as the proffesional reviews are saying you don't have to be a wrestling fan (current or former) to watch this movie, its a story of redemption and stuggle. Mickey Rourke plays the role well, while looking perfect for the part.

    This is a real character driven movie and I'll admit I did get teary eyed a few times during it, it just has a natural feel to it. Its kind of like this years "Forrest Gump" without the huge epic scope, a real powerful movie that is sad, funny, exciting and bottom line...... enjoyable.

    Also the 80's Hair Metal soundtrack goes well too :D.

    I'm not sure if i'm going to do a rating for all the films I talk about, obviously because reviews are subjective. Lets just say I'd give this one 9/10.
  2. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Well Dan a good grappling movie loads of high flying wrestling moves eh? which is kind of like when you were a little'un and we played wrestling good times....do you think that's what b*ggered up my back?:hehe:

    This movie might be one for your dad because as you know Forrest Gump (cute) is one of his favourite movies along we Titanic (sad), Notting Hill (girly) and Braveheart I'll not disagree with this one because Mel Gibson plays a cracking part....yes Imp it's true Bob loves his Braveheart! :luv::hehe:

    I'm all done with Dexter, upto date with Lost and 24 so what have YOU been watching on the TV Show front? Mummy Hel.xxx.
  3. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    Cool, I think I would enjoy this one, I don't mind admitting to a tear or two :wink:

    I want to get hold of a copy of Son of Rambow and see Dark Knight. Haven't been keeping up recently.
  4. DiggerDan

    DiggerDan Gardener

    Feb 12, 2009
    Well Mum you know as good as me that we're watching Burn Notice and Heroes..... should be some new episodes soon. :)

    BananaMan, I didn't see Son of Rambow so I can't comment. But Dark Knight is very good, and although you'll hear a lot of praise for Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckheart really is the unsung hero in the movie, he plays the role so well its hard to believe they put that level of emotion/drama into a comic book movie. Then again times are changing and most comic book films are turning out very well these days.
  5. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Best film ever, House of Flying Daggers. It has more twists in it than a very twisted corkscrew. You have to be prepared to follow the subtitles though.

    Basically, it is a well choreographed martials film with a difference. It has a story (and no, it is not simply that the stars parents or brother were brutally murdered and they seek revenge). I can't say much about it without spoiling one of the many twists, but suffice to say the old grey matter gets a good workout, both the logically side and the emotional side.
  6. DiggerDan

    DiggerDan Gardener

    Feb 12, 2009
    I really did enjoy House of Flying Daggers when I saw it a couple of years ago. If we're going to talk about fantastic foreign language films then I must talk about Takeshi Kintano's "Zatoichi". Beautiful film, funny and some great action, saw it 5 years ago and I still remember how impressed I was after seeing it :)
  7. DiggerDan

    DiggerDan Gardener

    Feb 12, 2009
    So I know its somewhat of a cliche but I saw Friday the 13th tonight.

    I think you'll probably know the general plot of the story, so lets just talk about how it worked out. The film is essentially parts of 1, 2 and 3 all combined to make a pretty good movie with plenty of gory kills, a couple of them quite inventive.

    As a fan of the series (does this mean people will be more weary around me? lol) I'm really surprised how well it fitted into the series even though it is a reboot/reimagining/remake. So in conclusion if you laugh at slasher movies, it'll be great for you :)
  8. DiggerDan

    DiggerDan Gardener

    Feb 12, 2009
    So today I finally got Gemma (my missus) to watch Leon with me, she liked it but here's my thoughts.

    Leon (1994)

    Plot: "Leon is a hitman, and happy with his life. When a young girl comes home to find her family has been killed by a drug dealer, she runs to him for help. When she discovers he is a hitman, she asks him to teach her the skills to take her revenge."

    From seeing it around 95/96 it has been one of my favourite films (back then mainly for the action and amusement factors) but as I have aged so has the film and I feel that I am now at an age where I can really appreciate the film for its subtle merits (that and the fantastic action).

    There's not really much to say except the film really is worth a watch.

    PS I still get teary eyed in the final encounter..... which even my mum gives me a funny look when I admit that lol.
  9. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Bit teary again babe? Remember the original Transformer movie in the 80's?:oops:

    Never seen a little'un cry so much over a movie I thought it was bad when Optimus Prime died but then Jazz goes and gets killed ...the neighbours must have thought I was killing poor Dan!:flag:

    Sorry hun you know I like to share.:hehe: Mummy Hel.xxx
  10. DiggerDan

    DiggerDan Gardener

    Feb 12, 2009
    Lol Transformer the animated movie is a heartbreaking tale for a young un (although i'd probably still cry if i saw it today)

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