digital camera wont download

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by Sunshine P, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    can anyone help me i want to download my pics but it will not do it now it used to but when i plug it in on both laptop and computa it will not do anything anymore. can someone tell me how to overcome this problem i have been trying all morning but nothing i have installed the programes but nothing.

    I used to be able to plug in and away but as i say nothing it wont do a thing it keeps saying device not found.

    have i done something to both my computa and laptop. Mind you i have not downloaded any pics on my computa since i got my new one, i always have downloaded them on my laptop. I keep getting twain driver not there what is a twain driver and how do i get one

    I have another problem also i cannot open any of my programmes pics etc, i have lost u32Prod.dll and dont know how to install it again please help.

    any advice and help will be welcome.

    [ 22. January 2008, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Sunshine P ]
  2. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    TWAIN stands for


    To loose a driver you must have done something to your COMPUTER

    The question is what?

    have you added anything else, changed anything?

    What operating system does you computer have
  3. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    I'm quite puzzled Patricia as it appears that you have suddenly got 2 PCs and one laptop that have decided not to talk to your camera or vice-versa. My gut reaction suggests either a camera, camera memory card or interconnecting lead fault. I'll come back to this in a minute.

    A TWAIN driver is a bit of software usually supplied with a scanner that allows your photo-editing/aquistion program to copy images from scanner to computer. I can't see any reason why a missing TWAIN driver should prevent download of pics from a camera.(BTW - TWAIN = Thing Without An Interesting Name)

    U32prod.dll is part of Ulead Photo Explorer. Presumably you've been using Ulead. I've put some links regarding this below. You can find site where you can obtain it by Googling. But be careful to download a safe version and virus scan your download as it appears they may be a virus infected version about.

    Right..back to the first question. Have you tried connecting your camera and then looking in "My Computer" to see if the camera shows up as a drive? If it does you can drag and drop the files to the computer.
    If it doesn't show either its a cable fault, a faulty memory card or camera. OR you should try reinstalling the camera software.

    With regard to simply viewing your pics, if you don't want to try to fix Ulead you could try "Irfan View" - it's an excellent free picture viewer that handles several image formats. I installed on on several PCs in school and it was great (also saved a few bob!)

    U32Prod.dll problems appear to be common - here two links about it.
    And here's a link to a free download of Irfanview - The download site is reliable.

    Don't know if this has helped much but get back with any more info you have and I'll try to help.

  4. terrier

    terrier Gardener

    Oct 1, 2007
    If you are using any version of WindowsXP, go to START - HELP and SUPPORT - and under PICK A TASK click on SYSTEM RESTORE and follow the instructions on screen. That fixes lots of problems such as you are experiencing.
  5. Sunshine P

    Sunshine P Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    i am on windows vista and i will let you all know how i get on with this thank you for your help hopefully i will be able to do this, thanks once again i will let you know

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