Do I need to do something with this blueberry?

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Mander, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. Mander

    Mander Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 11, 2009
    Last January, before I had a clue at all about gardening, I bought a blueberry bush from the pound store. The label didn't have much in the way of care instructions so I just plonked it in the middle of the flower/vegetable bed and left it alone (under a plastic bottle cloche for the first few months). It has survived, although it didn't grow much, but it did put out some leaves. I now read that blueberries need a specific type of acidic soil, which I don't think the current location is. My ideas for the garden have also changed since I planted it, and I would kind of like to move it. So, I'm wondering if it would be better to dig it up and re-plant it in a container with its own special soil mix? It's still very small (only about 8" high) so I think it would be pretty easy to dig up without disturbing it much. If I do that, should I wait until spring or do it now? And finally, if I do put it in a pot, should I then keep the pot in the little plastic greenhouse for the winter? It's not heated at all but it is in a fairly sheltered spot on the south side of the house.
  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I reckon I'd just dig it up now. Fill a good sized container with ericaceous compost and a couple of good trowels full of well rotted manure or chicken poo pellets, pop the bush in the middle, give it a really good watering, and put it somewhere where the wind won't get it. They are quite tough but in loose compost and without much of a root system the gales we've got coming might upset it I reckon.

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