Dr Mark Johnston to lead urban tree research conference

Discussion in 'Gardening News RSS Feeds' started by Horticulture Week News, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Horticulture Week News

    Horticulture Week News Guest

    The Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) has appointed ICF fellow Dr Mark Johnston to chair an urban tree research conference in 2014. The event follows last year s Trees, People and the Built Environment conference, which the ICF hosted on behalf of a twenty-strong partnership of organisations. Johnston chaired the 2011 conference. He said: "Building the partnership of relevant professional organisations that participated in the 2011 conference was a remarkable achievement. I will be approaching those organisations again and asking for their help in delivering an even better conference in April 2014. "As we try to promote sustainable urban environments in increasingly challenging times, the importance of urban trees, urban forests and green infrastructure can only increase." The 2014 conference will look at the progress being made following the government s current focus on the role for trees and greenspaces. It will showcase the latest research by scientists and expert practitioners.

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