Driver download

Discussion in 'Computer Corner' started by borrowers, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi all,
    I have got an old scanner that originally run on Windows 98. It says on net that this scanner will not run with xp but that I have to use 2000. If I download drivers for 2000 will it mess up XP?

    I have to download the drivers for this scanner but am worried about downloading 2000 - mainly cos I haven't a clue what it all means:cnfs::cnfs:

    So can you help?

  2. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Downloading the Windows 2000 version of the drivers shouldn't affect XP, but to be on the safe side you could set a restore point via the Control Panel before you install the driver. Sorry, I haven't used XP in ages so I can be more specific about how you do that.

    Having installed the driver, it might[/] work under XP, but it is impossible to say for certain without knowing the specifics of what the driver needs. You see sometimes drivers depending on certain versions of other system files being present, sometimes they are more generic.

    Personally I would try it. It is unlikely to upset XP, and even if it does, you can just roll back to your restore point via Control Panel. I suspect the worse case scenario is just the scanner still won't work after the driver has been installed, so nothing ventured nothing gained.
  3. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    The scanner you have was designed to work with windows 98 operating system.
    Your computer you have now has windows XP operating system. The two operating systems are very different.

    After windows 98 there was windows ME (Millennium Edition)

    Then came windows XP

    Windows 2000 was made for offices that have all their computers connected together (Network) Because of this windows 2000 was more stable than windows 98.

    XP is supposed to be based on windows 2000 with some more refinements

    If it were me I would download the driver and see what happens, then find out the scanner is very slow anyway, bin it and go and buy a new one.

    For £35 you can buy an all in one scanner / printer (not that I like them) seen it here

    But when shopping always make your own research
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Thank you.

    I've got the scanner through 'freecycle' so I expected it to be old! The person that gave it to me sounded very OK and told me if I have problems dowloading drivers to get in touch, so it's not that I'm worried about.

    It was the dowloading of older drivers (and don't forget I don't know what that really means:( ). So I'll do a restore point now. It won't make everything go back to '95/'98 will it? I only got XP on it's way out:(

    Right mates I'm off to do it. If you don't see me for a while you'll know why.

    Fingers crossed

  5. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    BTW, it's not the money aspect - just don't tell my husband! He's sick of me going round 'freecycling'. We have people here, & I go there! Brilliant.

    Got a speeding fine actually, going to one place, so it wasn't cheap after all!

    Thank you for your help. Hopefully back soon!

  6. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    No. That would be impossible. Windows XP provides the option to run an application with Windows 98/2000 settings. It is not 100% reliable, but sometimes it helps, so you might get it going one way or another.
  7. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    That was posted Today, 03:15 PM
    Its now 17:22

    oh dear.

    (I wonder why the other person did not want it)
  8. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Computers are always a nightmare. The 'simplest' jobs are always the ones that go pear shaped:)
  9. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    very true clueless. its 19:53 and no sign of borrowers
  10. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Well I tried,lol, but can't do it! Don't know what I'm doing wrong?? Think I'll give up with this scanner and maybe buy one soon. Probably try & give it back to someone on freecycle - they may know what to do.

    Haven't messed up pc though - hurray:)

  11. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    Which 'bit' couldn't you do?
  12. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    I got my scanner from ComputerORbit for a mere £30 and it's great! Basic but great!
  13. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    Well at least you are back, and all is well.

    I suggest that your idea of giving up is not bad, if you don't know what is wrong, then you don't know. Its often easier if some one is sitting next to you rather than trying to describe to some one what does / does not happen via a forum.

    (Not to mention in the time it takes to get the replies you could have brought and installed a new one by now)

    Its a sad thing, but sometimes you do have to say s*d it, and give up and get new.
  14. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    What bit couldn't I do? Where to start. You have to remember that I don't know what all this means ok so keep that in mind while I try to explain,lol.

    The scanner is old and the manufacturer no longer does updates or whatever for it. It doesn't work with XP. I would need to download the driver for Windows 2000, then the driver for this model. Everytime I tried to find the downloads there were so many 'things' written there that I didn't know what to pick. I expected to just find something that said eg 'download windows 2000' and click a button,:( However I kept getting this 'site' that wanted registration etc. I also had to disable anti-virus whilst downloading which I did but wasn't happy about.

    Anyway, couldn't find the one thing to download so got the anti-virus back on & uninstalled the 'site' I had downloaded. The person I got it from told me that if I had trouble downloading the scanner driver to get in touch with him & he would get it and send it to me via e-mail but I don't know if he realised I needed to get Windows 2000 too.

    After seeing the prices of them I think I will push for one, maybe for Christmas. I only want one to scan some old photo's and that. My printer does photo's but I've never even used it for that yet and I've had it a few years! Blimey I expect that's obsolete now, lol - trust me! Am wary of doing things I'm not sure of. Have to keep an eye on what hubby does on here too cos he knows less than me and I keep getting toolbars etc but have now shown him how to remove them, hurray! They sneak in if you don't keep watch don't they,?:)

    Thanks for all your advice.
  15. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    I'm glad your PC isn't busted, but I didn't think it would be:)

    You don't need Windows 2000, and even if you did you wouldn't be able to download it legally for free, and besides, even if you did install it, that would bust your XP setup. You just need the Windows 2000 version of the scanner driver.

    If you can't find the exact one, you might be able to find a generic one. Most scanners back in Windows 98 days followed a protocol called Twain32. It might be worth seeing if there is a free XP version of a compatible driver.

    If you tell us the make and model of the scanner, I'll have a quick search about to see if I can see any likely candidates.

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