Has anyone used one of these and can you recommend it? Thought about buying one as B & Q have a special offer on £34.95 but even that's a waste if they are no good.
I think you have to buy the Dulux paint to go with it so that makes it even more expensive and maybe limited in colours. I haven't used one, but my opinion is they are just a bit of an expensive gadget for something you can easily do with a hand roller.
Hi Clematis I've seen this paint pod thingy and wondered if its worth it myself. I still have the entire house to decorate so will watch to see the replys you get. :thumb:
We bought one last year Clematis, John's right, you do have to use the special paint pods, £30 and limited colours, all Matt, I used it and liked it but hub hated it, He's a roller man..There's a new one out now, screws onto the paint pod, there's a special on the paint pods, 2 for £30 i think..
my son in law is a qualified, self employed painter/decorator ,very highly rated around the area. i do not like to ask him to decorate for me ,as i feel he could be turning down a job to fit me in,and losing cash .knowing him ,this is what he would do. i was watching a t/v advert selling these products, paint pods and other items of a similar nature.i thought to myself that looks great,i will ask my son in law his opinion on these products. he said just as some of the previous posts . limited colours,restrictions of supplier, you are restricted to what paint you can use, etc. at the end of the day ,if you purchase a good quality roller ,it will last for years, if looked after, and you can select any colours,any product,have the colours mixed to your requirements. washed out properly it will do the job, and last for years.my son in law reccomended a good lambswool roller in preference to sponge or some other synthetic material . happy decorating,and dont overlap too much!!:wink::gnthb: music.
Well I think we have decided that it probably is an fairly expensive gimmick and you certainly are quite limited in the paint colours - which are also on offer at the moment but still expensive. Roller and a long handle for the ceilings and we will get a good quality lambswool roller for the job as you suggest. :thku: Thanks for the comments guys and gals - we've made our decision - how about you Will? If you do buy one and it's fantastic I don't want to know - okay!:hehe:
I have my doubts about these, seems like another gimmick. I retired from my decorating business 15 years ago (80 now), just finished painting my kitchen after some alterations. It was all brushed, for the walls and ceiling I used a 100x40mm block brush. I have had the paint in store for at least 15 years and although the 5ltr can had been partly used there was no "skin" on it. It was Dulux eggshell, undercoat and gloss, and even I was surprised it had stored so well.