Embarrassing Moments ?.

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by music, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. music

    music Memories Are Made Of This.

    Jun 14, 2009
    A Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That.
    At a family get together last week,we were talking about embarrassing/funny moments.
    I remembered one embarrassing incident.
    It was a few years ago,several of us men gathered in Edinburgh for a stag night.
    We visited several Pubs and Clubs,(names I will Not mention).
    We all had quite a few drams,(to say the least).

    As I live between Glasgow And Edinburgh I decided, (I think ):rolleyespink: to get the train back home.
    I remember vaguely getting on the train which was busy but i managed to get a wee corner seat.It was Nice and warm,so I rested my eyes:snooze:.

    I awoke with a startle,the train was stopped and Empty and someone was banging on the coach window ,and with a strong Glasgow Accent he shouted,
    "Wur Tha Hell Ur You Gone Jimmie"???.:mad:.
    I was in Glasgow,in a side Platform,late at night, 20 miles from home:oopss:.

    I managed home rather late ,with one mother of a hangover,which the wife said
    I deserved:frown:.

    To This Day I Wonder,' How Did That Gentleman Know My Name';);).
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