growing the foxtail lily is not easy and had 2 attemps before with no sucess i got dense clay here in front exposed garden any ideas ............the bare spider roots are sprouting in the garage at the moment when do i plant and where?
Sorry to say but they hate clay soils needs to be free draining in full sun , its not a case of digging out and replacing the soil as over the winter you will create a mini pond as the clay will stop it from draining away quickly , I would put in a large pot John innes no 3 xta grit and cover the top with grit as well I learnt the hard way growing these , the pot trick was easy and you could place in the border then I used to put in the greenhouse over the winter repot about now. Spruce
I was in a nursery up in Ripley not far from you and they had over 50 in pots to be used at Chelsea , and I suppose mine were in 12 inch pots but I grow banana's now they are big pots Spruce
Spruce - thanks for your helpful comments. I have always wanted to have a go with Eremurus, but have been put off. I too assumed that they wouldn't like pots - but I can find 12 inch ones, so I might have a go.
I planted my eremurus in the garden last Autumn - they are in free-draining soil, but not full sun, so I'll have to see how they do (if anything!).
Hi All Low and behold what did Monty Don do Friday planted Foxtaily lily's in a huge pot, he's been having a sneeky look on here:D Spruce