Espalier/Fan training pear tree

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by sam090112, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. sam090112

    sam090112 Apprentice Gardener

    Sep 4, 2011
    St. Ives, Cornwall
    Hi again :sunny: (I am full of questions today!)

    I have a concorde pear tree (pictured below) and we have planted it next to the fence with a view to begin training it as an espalier or fan this winter.

    I just wanted to ask, is this tree suitable? As all the branches are towards the top and too woody to bend at all. I've read that with a one-year old tree you can cut them right down in the dormant season to 30cm, and then train the new developing branches, would that be possible with this tree? How long would this process take before the tree was fruiting well?

    Thank you for all of your help,


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