Eucalyptus Gunii question

Discussion in 'Trees' started by Horsham Del, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. Horsham Del

    Horsham Del Gardener

    Oct 6, 2007
    Hi, just need a bit of advice.

    We've been selling Eucalyptus Gunii at work heavily reduced due to having been in the pot for FAR too long. I've sold one to a fellow staff member, and she wants some advice.

    the tree's about 7-8' tall, and very whippy. It will almost certainly need pruning, but how exactly? Is it true that you can cut them right back, and if so is this a spring job?

    Ta in advance :)
  2. Harmony Arb

    Harmony Arb Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hi swanseadel,

    Eucalyptus show what is called strong apical dominance - This is where the leader dominates the tree and stunts any lateral or additional growth. This is why you see eucalyptus trees growing almost vertically with very few side branches. These trees are often coppiced or pollarded for various reasons and they seem to do well from it. I'd say that your colleague's tree isn't ready for that quite yet. To control the height as best as possible you can try and remove the leading shoot, but this will simply be replaced by another, and the tree will begin to shoot up again.
  3. pand692

    pand692 Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 27, 2008
    Hello swanseadal and treesurfer,

    We have two 'dwarf' Eucalyptus in our small cottage garden. They were only supposed to reach 8 feet high.

    I am brutal with them. We pollard the one by the gate when it starts to put on new growth and the other one has been trained by myself into an arch which makes a nice feature. Cannot show you a picture as I am not allowed to add attachments. Will ask advice on the appropriate thread about this.
  4. elliegreenwellie

    elliegreenwellie Gardener

    Feb 5, 2007
    Can I jump in here! - What is happening to my eucalyptus, the lower leaves are developing small brown spots, turning red or brown and dropping - I lots of leaves on the ground. Is this stress from the heat and not enough rain? Should I water it? Or is this some kind of disease? Would really appreciate some advice - cheers EGW x

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