Eucalyptus revival !!

Discussion in 'Trees' started by ismeval, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. ismeval

    ismeval Gardener

    Jul 20, 2007
    Some of you might remember my post early in the year ... I had a lovely eucalyptus tree which had to be trimmed every year as it would otherwise be taller than the house !! But my son came over this year and gave it its usual haircut but took too much off - result - tree died :(

    But happily this summer lots of shoots have grown from around the bottom area of the tree (under the ground ) and are now at least two feet tall. At some point I will dig down and take some and plant up in a pot to see what happens - the original bought years ago was also like this and we trained it into a lovely tree .... I want my tree back, not a bush ... so when is best time to dig down a little and take these out ?

    Also, there are loads of them, so anyone in my area who would like one or two please let me know - I live in the sort of centre triangle of Newcastle/Durham/Sunderland

  2. Bilbo675

    Bilbo675 Total Gardener

    Mar 15, 2011
    Gardener & Plant Sales
    South Derbyshire
    Hi Val, although I haveno experience of growing eucalyptus I feel you have two options; you could either prune out/remove all the new growth (suckers) apart from one strong one and then train that to grow up straight to replace the original tree or as you say you could dig down and see where these suckers are coming from; if they do have their own roots then it could be worth having a go at removing a couple to grow on, prune them off with as much root as possible (which will probably be fine roots if they have any) and then pot them up and grow them on until established. I would try it now and keep them under cover for the winter (frost free greenhouse etc). Hope this helps :thumb:

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