Evergreen climbers. Bringing on growth & pruning ?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by bluey, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. bluey

    bluey Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 27, 2008

    New to the forum and trying to get some advice before the new season.

    Last year I did a complete garden makeover and as part of this built a triangular pergola in the corner of my garden. I built some long deep containers & planted evergreen climbers. Traclospernum and another (the name escapes me). I didnt want anything that went totally wild, but definately wanted evergreen. I also planted some clematis to add some seasonal colour. They are doing ok, but the traclospernum is a bit behind in terms of growth.

    What should I do in the spring to get these climbers to grow & thicken up throughout the year. The ultimate hope is that they cover the whole pergola in a year or so. I planted them in in John Innes (no.5 I think it was) & mixed with some general bonemeal based fertilser as well)

    Would appreciate your guidance & also any recommendations on other evergreen climbers to consider planting for this purpose

    Many Thanks
  2. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Trachelospermum aren`t the fastest growing climbers but stick with it, they are worth it. The Clematis could take over so keep an eye on them. You say you used a general bonemeal based fertiliser, was that bonemeal or fish, blood, and bone? Bonemeal is used to encourage root growth whereas fish, blood and bone is a general fertiliser. The best way to get the plants to grow is to feed and water them regularly. There are several winter flowering evergreen Clematis available C. cirrhosis Jingle Bells is very nice.

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