Every Lidl Helps

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Greecko, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Greecko

    Greecko Gardener

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tyrone, NI - zone 9
    My local Lidl has a few veg in lately, they did have apple and pear tress in, but they were starting to bloom and one day disappeared totally

    But they have huge amounts of raspberries in, £2.99 for 3 canes, but they dont state the variety, anyone tried these?

    They also have strong and healthy looking strawberry plants for 79 pence, elsanta and symphony, which seem to be a mid and late fruiter respectively.

    So whats everyones opinion on these? worth a chance? or waste of money?
  2. Sian in Belgium

    Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

    Apr 8, 2011
    Just south of Brussels
    I've bought the Aldi raspberry canes (pack of three, summer, golden and autumn) in the past. I had to plant them in containers as we were about to move house. Plants have come through the winter ok, and the fruit on the summer and autumn were tasty, but until they've had a few years in the ground, I have no idea about cropping.

    Elsanta is the main commercial strawberry variety, isn't it? So big showy fruit, which don't bruise easily, but have no flavour....
  3. Greecko

    Greecko Gardener

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tyrone, NI - zone 9
    Unfortunately we dont have any ALDI's here, but they seem to be identical basically to Lidl.

    I had hoped to plant a few fruitbushes and raspberry canes this year, but the weather has put an end to that ambition, so I may invest in some raspberry canes from reliable sources.

    Yeh the elsanta I know as the commercial, but wasn't too sure of symphony, but after a quick google it seems they do get sold together in packages, so must be pretty hardy..I hope!

    I can get hold of large mayonaise buckets, cut the bottom out and plant in them, should work I hope!

    What size of containers have you got the canes in? did you plant individually or 3 together in one?
  4. Sian in Belgium

    Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

    Apr 8, 2011
    Just south of Brussels
    I bought two packs of three, so have 2 canes in each pot.
    Size of them? About 12" in diameter, and 14" deep? I will get them into the ground, along with the fruit trees in the garage, as soon as the ground thaws out. Hopefully this weekend!

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