Fatshedera lizei

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by stephenprudence, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. stephenprudence

    stephenprudence GC Weather Guru

    Jul 17, 2010
    General Asisstant (for now), and full time immatur
    Wirral, Zone 9a
    Didn't really know where to put this because it's not really an exotic as such, but my post is about the growth of the plant.

    Basically whenever I've seen Fatshedera before, it's usually twining, sprawling ground shrub? Anyway I was nearby the other week, and I saw a Fatshedera with a very thick trunk and was growing as tree form, more like it's genetic father, Fatsia japonica.

    Has anyone else had these two distinct variations with Fatshedera? In other words, is it possible, being a hybrid between two plants with vastly different growth habits, one Fatshedera could behave like an Ivy, and another Fatshedera behave like a Fatsia?

    Lastly of all I'd like to say I'm amazed these two species where able to fuse at all (Hedera helix and Fatsia japonica.. they are from different genuses/families.. and from opposite sides of the world... amazing how things can hybridise in an unlikely event.

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