felix jury magnolia help asap please

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by bluewillow, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. bluewillow

    bluewillow Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 9, 2011
    Hi everyone, ive got a felix jury magnolia, ive brought it last september and kept it indoors while the cold weather and frost were about , in the last couple of weeks ive feed it on ( doff ericaceous plant feed ) also since then the magnolia has started to go black on the edges of the leaves and then the leaves have gone very limp and the whole plant now looks very vey limp, ive been introducing it outdoor evey day for a few hours also. i did re-pot it when i had it in september in a mix of normal soil and ericaceous soil.ive waterd it with normal household water too, only a little in the winter months and now every week. i really dont want to loose this magnolia , it is at present 4ft tall and in a very very large pot. thanks for any advise.
  2. theruralgardener

    theruralgardener Gardener

    Jul 22, 2009
    Otley, West Yorks
    Hi bluewillow,
    it's difficult to know what the problem is without seeing the plant...but if you have kept it indoors at room temperature through the winter, it won't have had chance to be dormant then start growing again this Spring. It might have been better just left as cool as possible and planted out as soon as possible..not fed or anything. I would aim to get it in the ground, covering it with fleece if we are due a frost until it's established and just hope it's OK. Sometimes, feeding and watering too much when a plant is not actually growing can be risky! Good luck

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