Filter Pump and UV advice needed.

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by fred1935, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. fred1935

    fred1935 Gardener

    Apr 8, 2007
    I have a Hozelock EasyClear Pond pump which has done a fine job of keeping my 4ftX4ft X2ft deep pond very clear for over two years.
    It is now due for a complete strip down, clean and replace the UV bulb.
    However it seems to me that the Connecting base of the light has been contaminated with water, before I put a new one in does anyone have any recomendations Please.
  2. water-garden

    water-garden Guest

    If the UV has sprung a leak, see if you can change the seals, if not its time to get a new one. You also say its been in use for 2 years and you are now going to change the lamp, is this the first time you have changed the lamp?

    In ordinary use, the UV is supposed to be left on 24 / 7 (during the warmer months, AKA pond season) because it is on so long the life expectancy of the lamp is around 1 year. Also the quartz sleeve the lamp sits in often becomes covered in lime scale which also reduces the amount of UV light, so this should be cleaned every year, along with changing the lamp.

  3. fred1935

    fred1935 Gardener

    Apr 8, 2007
    Thanks Sydney.
    I have cleaned it before but not replaced the UV lamp untill now. Well the price of them puts me off, anything up to £15 a time but I did go to a local garden centre, would you believe, £7.99. so I got two.
    I must have a closer look at the seal on the quartze sleeve, when it warms up a bit.
    The pond is still clear but I know when the sun gets higher I will get green algae if I don't get the pump up and running again.
    Thank again.

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