first Christmas card

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by chitting kaz, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. chitting kaz

    chitting kaz Total Gardener

    Mar 10, 2011
    We received our first Christmas card Yesterday and I was really touched, it was a very simple card nothing over the top but it meant so much to me (SOFT IN MY OLD AGE)

    simply because it was sent by someone who knows that I Celebrate the Meaning of Christmas, for what it stands for, and the sender does NOT BELIEVE, in fact he thinks i am crazy to do so, so with this Knowledge they chose to take the time to send me one,

    i am not family to this person so there is no obligation on that score ...

    any way i am truly touched by such a simple gesture and wish then happiness in return but shall not insult their belief with a Christmas card

    may all have a Merry / Happy Christmas in what ever your beliefs may be
    whilst i personally will thank the good lord for you all XX
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    • clueless1

      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

      Jan 8, 2008
      Our first card of the year came from my mate in Taiwan. It was hand made, and featured a photo of him and his new wife (I've never met his wife). It also featured a hand written letter telling me how his misses all the banter and drinking sessions and time helping me on my land etc. It meant a lot. He could have just sent me a message on book face after all.
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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Got our first Christmas card from the house insurance company. How do they know i'm not Jewish with a name like Ziggy?
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        • gcc3663

          gcc3663 Knackered Grandad trying to keep up with a 4yr old

          May 6, 2011
          North Tyneside/South Northumberland
          Our first was from New Zealand, accompanied by the annual letter of everything the family has done over the past year - with pics.
          Always a welcome arrival.
          The hard bit is reciprocating - lots to tell once a year.
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          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            We got our first card from someone on here
            Unfortunatley, I am not priveledged to know their address, so it had to be a PM thank you

            As for Round Robin letters included in a card, I can not stand them, Always bragging, of what they or their children have ACHIEVED Never a mention of the Parking ticket, or fine in court, the exam eldest daughter failed misserably Just bragging BS

            Jack McH
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            • Fidgetsmum

              Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

              Jul 25, 2009
              Deepest, darkest Kent
              Our first card arrived on 1st December, from the family across the road who also put up their tree and adorned the front of their house with flashing blue and white lights, not forgetting the 'green thing' which is supposed to look like a tree but slowly pulsates green light with all the festive charm of an alien space craft!

              I've often pondered the point of Christmas cards (apart from making greetings cards companies and the Post Office loadsa money). After all, if I never see people, how come it's such a good idea to suddenly send them a piece of stiff paper overflowing with seasonal greetings and the hope that they have a wonderful TV-land Christmas with everything they wish for coming to fruition in the following year? On the other hand, if I see people on a regular basis, can't I just say 'Merry Christmas' or whatever and, if I wish, give them a small gift?

              What do you do with Christmas cards anyway? (Apart from eye them up for their potential to make gift tags from - or is that just me?:heehee:) You open them, say 'Oh, it's from x and y', stick it, wherever you stick your cards, and that's it.

              Back in the day, I clearly recall my parents sending something in the region of 90 - 100 cards It was an all-day job, my Mum would go through the cards picking out those she thought suitable for certain people, she'd write the inside, Dad would address the envelopes and stick on the stamps - what was that all about? After they died, I went through their address book and realised that in my entire life, I'd actually met about 10 of these people so I'm guessing my parents hadn't seen them either for over 45 years and yet here they were, still sending them cards

              Not so long ago, it seemed to be something of a 'look how popular we are' contest as people crammed and displayed their cards everywhere, personally, I couldn't give a flying fig if people send us a card or not. I do like to send some, mainly to friends abroad who I keep in touch with and to elderly relatives who don't have email (and one or two of whom are a bit too deaf to use the 'phone), and writing them will be a job for this afternoon but, having had a count up yesterday, I'll be writing and sending precisely - 11, some will contain a letter but they'll be a personal one.

              Personally, I love the round-robin letters, I'd miss the entertainment they provide, plus I rather enjoy being reminded by people that they live in a perfect world, with perfect lives and perfect children! :thud: Sadly, I don't get so many now, not since that year I sent one which said we'd had a sh*tty year, hadn't solved 3rd world debt, found a cure for the common cold or discovered the secret of world peace! Some people thought I was taking the p***:stirpot: Moi?
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