
Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by wildflower, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    I found this article on natural flea reppellants for cats and dogs thought it may be of use to some of you..My dog has never had fleas because he also eats garlic which is also a natural reppellant and i wipe him down with tea tree but some of the treatments in this article are good and safe..

    Cat & Dog Wash
    Fleas and mites can not only cause your feline or canine friend a lot of discomfort, but can also pose a serious threat to their life. Many of the flea remedies on the market are very aggresive, and packed full of unnatural chemicals. Herbal infusions offer a natural way to remedy a flea or mite infestation or a skin irritation (like eczema), or just to keep your cat or dog friend happy and healthy. I have used infusions of the following herbs on my cats with great success : Yellow Dock and Calendula / Marigold, (both excellent if the skin is irritated too), Rosemary, Lavender, and Catnip. I have also used Nettle in a blend to help soothe irritated skin. Make up the infusion as if you were making a medicinal herbal cuppa or a bath brew, leave to infuse and cool, strain and check that the temperature is not too hot or too cold before using it on your cat. If your cat does not like having a bath (I can hear you roaring with laughter now!) try a flannel wash - soaking the flannel and stroking the cat gently, squeezing out of the flannel gently and stroking the infusion into the fur and skin. Keep your cat warm after their bath and allow the infusion to soak in as much as possible before drying them off with a towel.
  2. windy miller

    windy miller Gardener

    May 10, 2006
    That's really interesting WF!
    Alas, my cats wouldn't let me near them with a flannel - wet or otherwise!! :eek: But my Mums cat(a pedigree siamese which my Dad rescued from certain death) has terrible breathing problems which are made worse by Frontline, so the flea one will definately be worth a go.
    Thank you [​IMG]
  3. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Interesting, wildflower. I never did get around to making my Rosemary oil up with all else going on. However, whilst on the IoW I purchased a 10ml bottle of Spike Lavender Oil and a 25ml bottle of Eucalyptus Oil by Bells of Southport, each for 99p. I have found the Eucalyptus Oil excellent for bits (mossies or whatever) and planned on using the Lavender for the little uns.

    Do you know this brand? Both are listed as for Aromatherapy and the Eucalyptus also as an inhalant.
  4. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    That spike lavender has a camphor smell i have bought it although its not sold everywhere..you can mix it with witch hazel and a teaspoon of vodka and use it in a spray as its the most powerfull antibacterial of all the lavenders..LOL ..you should be able to buy that spike lavender cheaper where you are as its coming from spain i presume you speak the language so i would just ask at the local chemist ..I use most essential oils and have used the eucalyptus loads of times its good to burn in the bedroom if anyone has a cold or sprinkle on a handkerchief..
    I dont know of the brand you said as their are loads of different brands around now..they just buy the oils in big containers and bottle and label them individually.." different companys "
    you dont need to make rosemary oil you can make it as a tea and use it that way also ..in the bath on the animals etc..leave it to soak overnight so its stronger..you also should be able to grow spike lavender their it may be called spikenard over their..

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