Flowers dropping off a broom after planting

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by men8ifr, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. men8ifr

    men8ifr Guest

    This is always to be expected - I goto the garden centre buy a plant, plant it and then it suffers at my hands...

    In this case the pineapple broom was planted with loads of compost around about 2 weeks ago and has been carefully watered so the soil was always moist and not waterlogged but now it's flowers are falling off...

    The leaves don't look dry or anything - is it likely to still be too sunny for it? It has direct sunlight part of the day.

    When I bought it it was under cover in the gerden centre - maybe it likes that more? But there again it could have just been moved there to sell it?

    I gave it a bit more plant food - slow release capsules when I moved it but I noticed it had some already in it's pot/roots.

    poor plant...

    This shrub is my hope for obscruing my neighbours house by growing to 15 foot! and I can't say it's off to a fantastic start : (
  2. Flinty

    Flinty Gardener

    May 19, 2008
    Being moved and transplanted can be quite a shock for some plants so flowers falling off are not a serious sign - they would have fallen anyway. As long as the leaves look OK, you're laughing. Your broom has to acclimatise itself and will probably take the rest of the summer to settle in and start to grow away.
  3. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Men8ifr. The flowers don`t last forever, they are done for this year. The plant will now make some of that growth you want. And don`t feed it for now, let it take it`s nutrient from the soil.:)

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