Flowers ordered

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sweet-pea66, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Sweet-pea66

    Sweet-pea66 Gardener

    Jan 1, 2012
    Extra care support worker
    Timsbury . Bath
    I've finally put a few orders in to T & M , i've received my Tree lily bulbs which have been planted and wrapped in fleece in the greenhouse, (still frosty here).I've never grown from bulbs before so heres hoping :)

    The rest of the bedding plants should be with by the end of March.
    I'll be hopefully entering the Local 'In bloom' competition again this year,so im still trying to plan what i want where etc.

    I've not used plug plants before,can these be put into planters,baskets ready but left in the greenhouse etc, or do i need to repot them into grow out pots and then transfer them later?

    Any hints will be good

    Thanks :)
  2. theruralgardener

    theruralgardener Gardener

    Jul 22, 2009
    Otley, West Yorks
    Sweet Pea, you could plant direct into final baskets/planters if you have space in the greenhouse...but they might do even better if you pot up individually for a while first, planting in their basket/planter when the roots have nicely filled the pots.
    Either way, don't forget to cover with fleece if it's going to be frosty...unless you have heat. Then don't forget to harden them off prior to final outdoor position. i.e. move them to a cold frame or somewhere where you can let them be in the open for the day and covered at night for a week or so, then gradually allow to be uncovered at night too.
    Usually, late May is fine for bedding out, so long as you keep an eye on the weather forecast and cover if there's a late frost forecast!
    Here in my part of Yorkshire, I prefer to wait till first week in June.
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