Hi Micky. I have my purple sprouting waiting to go into where my broad beans currently are and some Tundra winter cabbages waiting to go where my first earlies are. I'm a bit concerned as it seems there's still quite some time to go before these crops are cleared. So I guess it depends how far advanced your spuds are and how delayed your Ormskirk and PSB are. Without checking, I would imagine you'll be ok. As for rotation purposes, it sounds fine, although I would imagine you'll need to give the ground some 'feed', say Growmore. Cheers...freddy.
Oh, BTW, I should add that you'll need to compact the soil a bit prior to planting. I actually tread on mine :thumb:
Cheers Freddie i have had one row of earlies out, raked it trodden it down and raked it again. The ormskirk and the purple sprouting only germinated last week and are outside in seed trays, so wont be ready to go in for at least 2 to 3 weeks. I have a patch between my leeks which went in last week and where i took my first row of spuds up, it's well consolidated and has'nt had anything in yet i kept this for the cabbage and the purple sprouting where the spuds were hope iv'e got it right.