Just thought I'd pop a few pics on of some of the bird boxes and tables in my garden... The two boxes are the newest ones that I have just put up today; the first one from Asda for £3, the bird table is one I picked up for less than a tenner (should have been over £40), just needed a quick 5 minute repair job. The bird table on the fence was bought for just over £5 from B&M as a hanging table but I adapted it by fixing it to a hanging basket bracket instead and attaching that to the fence I now have 5 tit boxes up and 2 open fronted boxes, along with one of those little nesting/roosting 'pockets'; we had a wren in that last year.
Thanks Armandii, last year I had 2 of 3 'tit' boxes occupied with blue tits, I had robins in an open fronted box and wrens in a 'nesting/roosting' pocket :yess: Also had dunnocks and blackbirds in the hedge, but the blackbirds were disturbed when the **** behind us hacked a 6ft length of hedge down to 4ft to let some light in to his garden :nono:, even though the sunlight came from the opposite direction...:DOH:
Bilbo, the RSPB urge people to remove those green mesh nets that the fatballs are sold in. They are too easy for the birds' feet and legs to tangle in and on that basis they suggest you either place the fatballs onto a surface or use the various fatball holders to put them in. Last year i was unfortunate to see a goldfinch with a useless, dangling leg - it's the most distressing thing to see
Don't forget folks - Next week is National Nest Box Week. See Link : National Nest Box Week Lots of birdie information, instructions and plans for making nest boxes and more. a-a
Good tip Louise and for the most part I usually do, I have a fat ball feeder that holds 6 of them elsewhere, these are just odd ones I hung off the bottom of the tables; I'll pick up some smaller fat ball feeders for them
Last year my new neighbours, cut the main root of an Ivy (causes damp) and a Clemantis (causes damp) their side of the fence, the said plants died and my side three abandoned blackbird nests with two eggs in each :( I know it is illegal, to do this at that time of year, They are old, and a nice couple but did not realise the result of their actions I just replaced with the same but at my side this time Jack McH
Jack, many many people don't stop to think of their actions when hacking back overhanging or annoying plants As i drive around, with my job, i see it all the time - only last week a lady had her entire 30' hedge removed and it was an absolute haven for birds, and probably loads more wildlife in general. It makes me see red, it really does :gaagh::gaagh::gaagh::gaagh:
Louise, We had the same problem before I got a new set of feeders and the fat balls without the dreaded netting. The reason we did is because a young starling got caught up in it and hung there until I came home and freed it. Pecked hell out o me hand though.