Four Oaks Preview - Exhibitor Listings

Discussion in 'Gardening News RSS Feeds' started by Horticulture Week News, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Horticulture Week News

    Horticulture Week News Guest

    1st Class Security Systems T38 A Bit Quackers E263 A Bit Shady E263 AB Buxus OP23+24 Access Irrigation E71 Ace Equipment E231 ACT Publishing E70 Adrian Ayley UK B53-58 Advance Bunzl D82 Aeroplas B105+106 Agrovista UK D84 Agrumi OP16 Akamba T6a Alba Krapf E218 Allensmore Nurseries C6+7 AllPlant D49 Alpha Plants E2 Altrad Belle E246 Amenity Land Solutions E140 Anglia Group of Nurseries C61 Anglo Eastern Trading Co B36+37 Anthura E59 Apac Packaging C20+31 Apta Pottery E201-203 Aqua Line Aquatic Plant Services A57 Arcangeli, Vivai PIante A31+32 Armlee Nurseries E101 Armor Multiplants E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Aromany E198 ASTA Piante srl E235 Aston Horticulture T6b Atkiro E107+108 Baldi Alfio Figlio E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Ball Colegrave D97-99, 116-119+a Ball FloraPlant D97-99, 116-119+a Ballegooijen, Gebr van OP12-13 Bamboo Print B30 Barcham Trees A27+30 Barrett of Boston OP34+35 Batouwe Boomkwekerijen E94+95 Beekenkamp Plants D110, 110a, 111+111a Berkshire Labels E66 Best4Garden T4 Black Country Metalworks E249 Boiler Spares (NW) D22+23 Bolton Christmas Trees E102+103 Boot Co Export Nurseries E148a Botanics International D77, 78+95 Botany Bay Nurseries B82+89 BPI Recycled Products D131 BPI Visqueen D131 Braam Youngplants A54 Brandkamp Jungpflanzenvertrieb D85 Breeders Seeds D92+93 Bridge Biomass Solutions T28 Bridge Greenhouses T28 Bridge Nursery E18+19 Brinkman (Hort Service) UK D31-33 + 60-62 British Christmas Tree Growers Association D41 British Protected Ornamental Association E170 Budlake Nursery B47 Cadeby Tree Trust E25+26 Cadix T11, 11a, 12, 12a Caledonian Tree Company E132 Calipso (Roast) E150+151 Carbon Gold A43 Carlesi Vivai E251-253 Castlefield C14, 15+15a Centro de Jardineria Sils OP4, 4a, 5+5a Certis D124+125 Chamberlain Nurseries E220-222, 227-229 Channel Island Plants A1-3 Chapel Cottage Plants D1+2 Cheshire Christmas Trees E169 Chessum Plants T3 Christmas Cabin E27c Classiflora Imports B73-78, 93-100 Climate Hire C41 CLM Keder Greenhouses B90 Clover Peat Products E39, 40, 49, 50 CMW Horticulture T16+17 CN Seeds B60a Coblands Nurseries E53 Codeway E58 Cohen Propagation Nurseries D14-16 Cole M K, Ferns B53-58 Commercial Horticultural Association E23 Compo Expert UK D3 Container Centralen A35+38 Containerwise Materials Handling E178 Country Rustics T7-9, 30-32 Covili Franco Vivai Piante E41, 42, 47+48 Cropley Glasshouses D26 Crown Garden Products E92 Crum, JW E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Crusader D47 CSY Retail Systems E30 Darby Nursery Stock C61 Dart Training E189 Darwin Perennials D97-99, 116-119+a Davenham Nursery C19+32 David G Ross C63-65 De Kuil E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 De Nolf Willy Boomkwekerij B107+108 Debets Schalke D50 Decock Pelargonium D39 Delamore C43-48 Desch Plantpak C36-38, 53-55 Doran Nurseries B64a Draper Tools E166-168 Dream Gardens OP16a Duncan Davies UK D21 Eagle Plants D10+11 Earley Ornamentals E77+78 Easitill E175+176 EBTech Solutions T56 Electronic Technical Services C30 Elsner Pac Jungpflanzen D8+9 EM Effective Micro-Organisms B47 English Garden Statuary E261+262 Erfgoed B65+66 Erin Horticulture E20 European Sales Direct OP8+9 Europlants UK E126-129 Evenproducts E6+7 Evergreen Christmas Trees E54 Evergreen Horticulture B14+15 Everris B39, 40, 51+52 Exceptio D6+7 Fairweather's E115+116 Fargro C69-72 Fargro Requisites C81-85 Farm Energy Centre T10 Farplants Sales B59+60 Fasque Christmas Tree Partnership OP3a Fertil UK E109 Fieldfare Gardenware E186-188 Floramedia UK D120, 121, 120a, 121+a Florensis UK D71-73 + 100-102 Florexpo D10+11 Floribras Garden Plants E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Flow Techniques E21 Flower Tower B64 Flowering Plants D4+5 FNK Young Plants D70+103 Forest Fresh Ireland E105+106 Forest Fresh (Christmas Trees) E181+182 Four Oaks Imports T13-15, 24-26 Four Oaks Antiques E225 Four Oaks Cash Carry House F Frankrijker, P De, Zonen E210, 211, 238, 239 Fre-Energy D68 G Plants E226 GAL Systems C26 GAP Photos A50 Garden Centre Plants C66+67 Garden Feature Company E212, 213, 236+237 Garden Retail E45 Garden Tubs C56 Garden Works D104 Gardeners Kitchen E111 Gasa Young Plants UK E9, 10, 38, 51, 72, 73, 84, 85, 11+113 Gedney Bulb Company D17-19 Geerings of Ashford E35 Geka-Plant B23+28 Genesis Plant Marketing D81+52 GenTech Propagation C21 gViews/Gordon Ellis Co C13 GIMA E193+194 Global Bag Supplies E244 GoGreen T33, 34, 57, 58 Golden Grove Nursery D91 Green Magic Co E37+52 Green Mile Trees OP26 Green Team (GB) B101+102 GreenBrokers E124+125 Greenfield Software E136+137 Greenline Plants E220-222, 227-229 Green-Tech D105+106 Griffioen Wassenaar E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Grotech Production D25 Haifa North West Europe D83 Hallmark Power OP31+32 Hamilton Design C16+35 Hans Pannebakker Export E110 Hawkesmill Nurseries Company B31+32 HBS Designs C9 Heathwood Nurseries E65 Diderk Heinje Co E11-14+36 Henchman A33+34 Henry Alty B79+92 HicBibi Nurseries A9 Hill View Nurseries A53 Hillier Nurseries C24+27 HilverdaKooij Plant Technology D119+119a Hishtil Nurseries D77, 78+95 Hogendoorn Wijk En Aalburg D45+48 Holland Liners E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Home Away E32 Home Garden Products T2 Hooftman, J A23-26 HOPS Labour Solutions D20 Hortec Grow With Technology D107-109 Horticruitment UK E57 Horticultura Calabuig B73-78, 93-100 Horticultural Development Company B109 Horticulture Week E45 Hortipak B71+72 Hortisystems UK E177 Hortus Horticultural Media T29 Hotbox International E27a+b Howard Nurseries E76 HSK Gardening Leisure E130 Humax Horticulture B39, 40, 51+52 Huverba E28, 29, 60, 61 IBN Nurseries E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 IC Innovations E24 IMA Greenhouses T22 Imperative Energy B110 Impulse Plants OP37+38 Innocenti e Mangoni Piante E220-222, 227-229 Institute of Horticulture E192 Irish Advanced Liners B53-58 IT Genetics E191 Jack N Box A56 Jackson Sons, C E96+97 Jaldety Propagation Nurseries D14-16 James Coles Sons (Nurseries) E57 James McIntyre Sons B4+5 Javadoplant E16+17 Javo D107-109 JCB OP39+40 JD Ultrasonics B50 Jelitto Perennial Seeds E46 Jiffy Products (UK) C21a, 22, 29, 30a Johnsons of Whixley D129, 129a, 130, 130a Jong, W de, Zonen C17+34 B22+29 Juakali T6a Jurgelucks Nurseries OP27 Just Must Perennials D37 Kapiteyn B19 Kees Greeve A28 Kelgray Products B21 Kerisnel Nurseries B83+84 Kernock Park Plants A46, 47, 49 KG Systems A28 Kieft Pro Seeds D97-99, 116-119+a Kilted Christmas Tree Company, The E1 Kilworth Conifers E93 KinderGarden Plants D40 Kingfisher Nursery E69 Kings Hill Nurseries E243 Kings Seeds D41a, 42, 51, 52a Kolff Plants E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Kolster D90 Koppert UK C59+60 Koru Growing Technologies E199 Kreuwel Plastic Almelo B91 Kwekerij Verdoorn E63 Kyoto Bonsai T36 L RM Consultancy D90 Laminvale E218 Laurica Plants E145-147 Laurijssen Nurseries E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 LBS Horticulture E141-143, 152-155, 162-163, 171-174 Lendert de Vos D90 Limieten Tree Nursery OP21, 21a, 22, 22a Lloyd Forestry Products E247 London Ornaments E257 Longcombe Labels E165 Lonstone E8 Lovania Nurseries B11-13 Love Lammas E164 Lower Hope Festive Products E1 Lows of Dundee C2-5 LS Systems C39, 40, 51+52 Lubera E98+99 Luiten A N C9 Magni Piante B63+68 Mahood Bros C79+80 Malcolm Scott Consultants C1 Maldwyn Lloyd Christmas Trees E200 Manco Energy E22 MasterTag D97-99, 116-119+a Meadow in My Garden B24 Mechanical Botanical A11-15 Melcourt Industries E149 Mercia Garden Products T21 Micron Sprayers B85 Millview Nurseries E2 Minier Nurseries B42+49 MJS Greenhouse Cleaning Services B44 Mockridge Nursery OP1+1a Modiform UK D27-30, 63-66 Moerheim New Plant OP15 Moles Seeds (UK) D55+38 More People C90 Morley Nurseries C61 Mr Fothergill's Seeds D67 Multibaies Pepinieres B41 National Polytunnels E114 Natural Cone Fruit Company E104 Naturelight Greenhouses OP33 New Leaf Plants E15 New Place Nurseries E117-119 New Zealand Liners B53-58 Nieuwesteeg, Jan B16 Northern Liner Company E82, 83, 120+121 Novanna B27 NP Structures OP16b Nursery Fresh Plants E224 Oakgate Nursery B10 Oakleystone Northern OP3 Oakover Nurseries D43+44 Olema Engineering C25 Olsthoorn D26 Omex Horticulture B81 Omni Solutions D13 Orlandelli E250 Orvifrusa B73-78, 93-100 Osberton Nurseries A55 Oscar Tintori E208, 209, 240+241 PanAmerican Seed D97-99, 116-119+a Pannebakker Co E43 Pannebakker Zoon E205 Parasene E134+135 Park Lane Plants E210, 211, 238, 239 Passfield Data Systems E44 Pennine Products A40+41 Pentland Plants C11+12 Perennial E195 Peter Dekker Installaties D26 Peter Smith Garden Furniture E139 Petersfield Growing Mediums C50 PG Horticulture D85, 88 Plandorex France B53-58 Plant Plus B73-78, 93-100 Plant Pro E215+234 Plantanova A36+37 Plantcare D126+127 Planter World E260 Plantline OP17a, 18, 19+20 Plantopia B35 PlantPromenade Zundert E185 Plants from Zion T4 PlantWorks E144 Plastona B91 Polybuild D56 Poplar Nurseries Wholesale B67 Poppelaars Nurseries E5 Poppelmann Co D112-115+a Pot Tsar E255-256 Pots of Distinction OP2 PPC Labels B6+7 Printack D128 Printronix E207+242 Pro-Direct OP41+42 Pro-Tech Marketing B111 Profitplant A29 Proval Sat No 362 CV B53-58 E64+64 Quantil B9 Quinton Edwards D87 Raes Flower Seeds C75 Ravensworth Nurseries C42+49 Real Tree Co E75 Reaseheath College E133 Red Barn E138 Retail Solutions Europe E254 Rijnbeek Zoon Perennials E86+87 RippleAquaplast A51 RiteAir Heating Engineering OP25 Robinson, W, Sons D94 Rosebank Nurseries C68 Rotomation UK A16-22 Rustic Garden Supplies E190 Sandringham Garden Craft E204+245 Sandro Bruschi, Vivai Piante A4-8 Sandstone Garden Ornaments E258+259 Schneider D92+93 Schoneveld Breeding D122, 123, 122a, 123a See It Gro E74a Seiont Nurseries E79-81 Sicamus Productions C62 Signe Nature B3 Sinclair Horticulture C76-78 Skaino Atmos A52 Smart Direct (Europe) E219+230 Smith, H, Plastics B46 Solar Centre E196+197 Soldi, Vivai Piante B88 Solgrow D14-16 Soparco D35, 36, 57+58 Spanglish Store E264 Spanish Plants OP4, 4a, 5+5a Spearhead Turf E3 Square Root Horticulture B91 Stairway Trees B20 Stam's Bamboo Nursery E62 Station House Nursery T27 Stepping Stones Nursery B53-5 Stewart Company E216, 217, 232+233 Stocks Lane Nurseries D75 Stolker Plants E265 Stolwijk, GC, Co OP6, 6a+7 Strategic Energy T56 Strawson Woodland E14 Suttons Nurseries (2000) B43+48 Svensson, Ludvig D86 Symbio D69 Tamar Nurseries C23+28 Teal International E156, 157+161 Terrington Machinery T35 Tesi Franco Stefano A44, 45, 45a+48 Tesi Ubaldo Figli B17, 18, 33+34 OP14 Textice E206 Thalia Flor SNC E208, 209, 240+241 Thermobile UK C86-89 Thompson Morgan C18+33 Tildenet E186-188 Timber Displays E31 Top Score Flowerbulbs E100 Touchwood Too E91a TSD International D24 Tumbleweed E91 Tuszynscy D10+11 Twin Acre Nurseries D76 Tyne Moulds Machinery B45 UNIK Irrigation Co A10 Valoya Oy D132+132a Van der Luyt Transport OP6, 6a+7 Van der Plas B103+104 Van Meerten E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Van Riel Nurseries E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Van Roessel E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Van Setten, G, Son E33-34, 55-56, 67-68, 89-90 Van Veen, M, Export D12 Van Vliet, J, Cash Carry Group B86+87 Vannucci Piante E126-129 VDH Folekassen T16+17 Vianen, CJ, Flower Export B61, 62, 69+70 Vida Verde Plants B1+2 Viking Nurseries A39+42 Visser, D, Zonen B25+26 Vital Earth C8 Vitax B8 Vitroflora D10+11 Vivai Vitale Gaetano E183+184 Viveros Levante B73-78, 93-100 Viveros March T279 B73-78, 93-100 Viveros Villanueva Sat. 9.714 B73-78, 93-100 Vivid Arts E223 Volmary Co D34, 59+74 Vromans Nurseries E4 Vuetek Systems T23 Walsall Wheelbarrows E214 Walter Blom Plants D96 West End Nurseries E122+123 West Kington Nurseries E88 Westhoff Vertriebgelleschaft D 8+9 Whartons Nurseries C61 Whetman Pinks C10 Whiterigg Alpines UK B80 Woodlodge Products E158-160, 179-180 Worfield Gardens B38 Workware OP43, 44 Wyevale Nurseries C57, 58, 73+74 XL Horticulture D46 Yara UK E131 Young Plants D53, 54, 79, 80 Zelari Piante B73-78, 93-100 Zenflora E9, 10, 38, 51, 72, 73, 84, 85, 112, 113 Zest 4 Leisure OP7b

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