Fryer's Roses

Discussion in 'Retailer Feedback' started by katecat58, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. katecat58

    katecat58 Gardener

    Jun 10, 2022
    I have been fancying a standard rose, and this morning I was browsing the internet and found patio standards (3 varieties) at £20 each on Fryers Roses website. I fancied a trip out to Booths in Knutsford (I don't live far away) and I thought I would have a look at the roses and possibly save the postage cost.
    I was shocked to find that they are still charging the full price of £54.99 at the nursery! With a reduction of £5 if you are a Diamond Club member.
    I did mention it to a member of staff who offered to honour the online price if I purchased one, but as they were all rather weedy specimens I declined the offer.
    • Informative Informative x 1

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