Fuchsia Order Problems

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by trogre, May 18, 2015.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Hi All.

    I ordered a hardy Garden News from Crowder’s plants at beginning of May. It comes in either a 2 or 3 litre pot depending what they have,2 weeks delivery, and in stock Now it is only the 18th so in effect not due for delivery just yet. I received an email from them thanking for order but noticed a few days later there was no Order Number. For sorting any problems you do need an order number as a reference. Emailed them and just, over a week later got a reply with my order number.
    Problem is they do not have it in stock!! I either have to cancel order, order something else or wait. So say they have a number of suppliers and all do not have Garden News in stock. If I wait they say they will get a plant but no idea of when it will be delivered, I was hoping to put it in ground beginning of June.
    The only place on web that have Garden News in a decent size pot, 2 L is Homebase and that is home delivery only and cannot be sure they have it in stock. Plenty to find in mini plugs and a few in 9cm pots.
    Decision now is ordering from Homebase and cancel Crowder’s (must reply asap to Crowder’s my decision) and find even Homebase is out of stock or just stick it out and wait for Crowder’s to come through.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Anthony Rogers

      Anthony Rogers Guest

      Hi Trogre,

      I don't know Crowders so I can't really comment on their ordering/ delivery systems etc however I can give you advice on Fuchsias......

      I have never in over 25 years bough a Fuchsia in so large a pot at this time of the year, I would be extremely cautious. They just haven't had a long enough growing season yet, and I would be worried that they are either grossly overpotted or have been dug out of open ground and replanted into pots. I've got hardies in my garden ranging from 1 to 4 inches high at the moment.

      A well grown plant in a 3" ( I think that's the equivalent of 9 cm), will grow into a substantial plant by the end of the summer.
      Also, this size plant will re-establish itself a lot quicker if planted correctly.

      PS...... If you look on the " Fuchsias 2015" thread page no 7, I've put a post up ( with diagrams) about planting hardy Fuchsias.
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        Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2015
      • trogre

        trogre Gardener

        Feb 9, 2011
        Hi All.
        Thanks for the info Anthony. Indeed you are correct,most fuchsias have not had a chance to grow into 2-3L as yet so could be over potted and sold at an inflated price only for them to fail due to over potting. I think as you pointed out best to go the 3"- 9 cm way.
        Could not see your post on planting hardy fuchsias as there is an error.
        Thanks for the advice.
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Anthony Rogers

          Anthony Rogers Guest

          No problem, glad to have helped :)
        • Spruce

          Spruce Glad to be back .....

          Apr 10, 2009
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Anthony Rogers

            Anthony Rogers Guest


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