Fuschia cuttings

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by chkm8, May 7, 2006.

  1. chkm8

    chkm8 Gardener

    May 4, 2006
    I have been offered cuttings from a friends hardy outdoor fuschia. When is the best time to take the cuttings. I was planning for next week and had thought about splitting them between potted in the new greenhouse (have to play with my new toy)and simply placing in water on the window sill. Any thoughts ?.
  2. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Fuchsias take well from heeled, soft wood or tip cuttings. At this time of year when they are only just starting into growth, I would wait until there are some decent sized shoots, and then try tip cuttings.

    Later in the year, try soft wood and heeled cuttings if the tip cuttings did not take.

    To take a tip cutting you remove just the top of the shoot, just below the first full leave. So you have the growing tip and two full leaves. Cut the full leaves in half, and then sink the cutting into 50/50 dampened compost and vermiculite - so that the junction of the full leaves and the stem is covered. Cover with plastic bag, and put in a cool place out of full sun till rooted. Your greenhouse is likely to be too hot and light at this time of the year - but if you've got a cool shadier bit---.

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