Does anyone else watch this guy? I just can't get over how YOUNG he looks!!:OUCH: The first time I saw him I thought "he looks like a nice lad" I couldn't believe it when I found out his age. Whatever he is putting in his porridge, I want some!!! :yess: Val
He was at my son's school when they filmed The Choir, he didn't look so youthful next to a crowd of 14 year olds
Programme called The Choir, on BBC2 Mondays at 9pm, Gareth Malone is the 16 year old choirmaster!!! Val
Sorry, I'm like Dai, hadn't the faintest idea who he was! I'm not into choir boys or masters . Now, if you asked me about sheep!!!!
ARMANDII, You sound just like my teacher at school!! I used to get told off for drawing pictures of animals on the walls of the caves as well! He never believed it was Ug and not me.
Shiney, your teacher didn't object to the drawings on the wall you'd done, but to what the animals were doing