Getting rid of tree suckers

Discussion in 'Trees' started by GillianS, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. GillianS

    GillianS Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 1, 2006
    A year ago we cut down a large Italian poplar tree, because it was driving us mad by putting up suckers (each a strong, sturdy little tree) all over the garden. Now, a year later, it is still putting up suckers all over the garden ââ?¬â?? and still driving us mad!

    We also had to cut down a weeping willow (don't worry ââ?¬â?? we love trees and have hundreds of them) which was too near the house and was interfering with the drains. Now that, too, keeps sending up a new tree and refuses to die.

    We'd be grateful for any suggestions.
  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    You will just have to be vigilant and remove any new growth as it apears. It may help to dig up any large collections of suckers and get at the offending root node but generally mowing or otherwise taking off the leaf will eventually kill the root. Rootout or similar chemical methods will kill a sprouting stump but suckers can be a long way from the main root system and are effectively independant trees in the making.

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