this is our Gizzie hiding beside me whilst i am trying to type on here, she was a stray that was born a few houses up in a garage she decided that she was coming into ours one day and never left that was 6 years ago ! durring the summer she mainly stays on the garage roof or on one of the neighbours porches ( the neighbours all feed her ) but once it gets cold she moves back in to the house and is just like a big snuggle blanket ! have more pics on another drive will have a took and add them :D
Nice to see, Chitting Katz. My cats don't think they own me, they know they own me.:kittykiss::kittykiss:
I could not find her when i came home from night shift, normally i am tripped up all the way to the kettle had a look all around the house, checked Attic, garage, garden and shed couldnt see her anywhere :( OH got up he said she is in the house somewhere as she tried sleeping on your side of the bed last night!!! we looked in wardrobes, behind things and still we couldnt find her. we went to have a cuppa and OH said i can hear scratching comming from upstairs, back up we go " GIZZIE " Gizzie girl" "come to mammy" ( ok i know but we all do it lol) the Reply is a version of (Charlie says, anyone remember those adds) any way we follow the noise and find her under our bed !! problem is we have no idea of how she could have got there the bed is solid pine with drawers underneath and no gaps that she could squeeze though ( you have seen the pics and small she is NOT ! ) ended up getting a screwdriver to remove two slats so she could climb out ! and now the cheeky madam is snubbing me as if we put her there !!! :kittykiss::kittykiss::kittykiss:
Sorry! For a cat, that is not a good enough excuse :nono:. You're her servant and in charge of her welfare - so it's your fault. You shouldn't have gone out!
Poor Gizzie,What a cruel mammy and daddy you've should maybe come to stay with your Auntie Lolimac while you get over your traumatic experience:D:D:D
Kitten Hiding - YouTube OH thinks she did something like this only with the bed but once the cat was under the bed she couldnt get back out and she was talking to us something like Charley Says Always Tell Your Mummy - YouTube when i was calling her