Anyone here got this? I had an eye test today and am being sent to a specialist, apparently I have the beginnings of it!!! Val
No @Val.. I don't have glaucoma but I have keratoconus. Try not to worry too much they can work wonders nowadays! The most important thing with glaucoma is that it is caught early Keep you chin up
Oh dear, that's a bit distressing for you. You are bound to worry a bit but I'm sure you will get excellent care from the specialist.
Don't worry to much Val! I was diagnosed with it eighteen months ago, also in the early stages. Since seeing the specialist I now have to use eye drops every evening to stop it from progressing. I saw my specialist about six weeks ago and since using drops (over the eighteen months) it has remained at the same initial level. It is easy to control if diagnosed early. When you see the specialist don't drive there. He will put drops in your eyes for a test that will anaesthetise them and your eyes will not focus for up to four hours after, although you can see well enough to walk around. None of the above is painful. Glaucoma is more often than not genetic. Mine skipped a generation from my grandmother. You should tell your family as it will be necessary for them to pass it on to their own opticians for future reference.
One very good reason for seeing an optician regularly is early detection of glaucoma and other eye problems. Even if you don't need specs a check-up every year is a good idea, particularly when you get a bit older. Our daughter had an eye test a few months ago and was told she's retinitis pigmentosa - inherited from her mother. She just hoping that the degeneration is slow enough for her to continue to drive to work for another 20 years or so.
Our eyesight is very special to each and every one of us as Dave says, look after it! Ironically I wasn't diagnosed by my optician but my Rheumatologist, but that's a whole different story.
I only went for a routine check up, it has hit me like a brick, I can't get my head round it yet.!! Feel very weepy Val
Try not to be upset Val, it is scary when you first find out, but honestly it's not as bad as you may be thinking, your specialist will put your mind at rest.