Graf water barrel tap

Discussion in 'Water Gardening' started by bowmanera, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. bowmanera

    bowmanera Apprentice Gardener

    May 1, 2009
    Trowbridge Wilts
    3 years ago I took up an offer through the local council and ordered a water barrel from Blackwater.

    After a long wait a Graf 200 litre barrel arrived, but the tap that came with it was a Sankey type and would not fit. Eventually the right tap was received.
    (For information if you are unaware, the Graf has a male spigot moulded on and the tap has a captive pressure nut to secure it.)

    The problem now is that the locking ring has split and the tap is therefore useless.

    I have done extensive searches but have been unable to locate a supplier for a replacement.

    Has anyone come across this problem and managed to find a replacement?

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