Grandad's War Service.

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Doghouse Riley, Nov 14, 2010.

  1. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

    Sep 1, 2009
    "Pleasantly unemployed."
    The Tropic of Trafford, England.
    As the subject of "things military" came up on another thread I was reminded of this.

    Little Johnny goes to visit his grandad.

    He notices on the mantlepiece a photograph of his grandfather in his full military uniform.

    "Is that you grandad? I want to join the army when I'm older, I'd like to wear a hat like that!"

    "Well I think I may still have it upstairs in the wardrobe, you can go and get it and wear it if you like"

    "You've still got it? Bloody hell grandad!"

    "Now little Johnny your mother wouldn't like to hear you swearing."

    "Sorry grandad."

    So Johnny goes upstairs and finds the regimental cap, comes downstairs and starts marching around in it. After a while he says; "You haven't still got the tunic have you grandad?"

    "Yes I think I have it's upstairs in the same wardrobe."

    "You've still got it? Bloody hell grandad!"

    "Now little Johnny your mother wouldn't like to hear you swearing."

    So he goes upstairs and gets the tunic comes down again and starts marching around wearing the cap and over-size tunic.

    "I don't s'pose you've still got your rifle have you?"

    "Well Johnny I don't want you swearing, I've still kept it after all these years, but it's up in the loft, I'm a bit too old to go up there now."

    "I'll get it grandad!"

    So off goes Johnny upstairs, pulls down the loft lader and starts rummaging around up there."

    After a few minutes he says "I can't find it grandad!"

    Grandad replies; "I think it's behind the tank."

    "You've got a****ing tank?!!!

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