grape vine pruning

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by craig, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. craig

    craig Gardener

    Feb 26, 2007

    Having read lots of articles on the internet regarding training, pruning and cordoning grape vines I have a really small question. Having brought my new (1 1/2 foot) dormant vine into the house for safekeeping during the snow we had recently, it has now started to sprout and the new shoot are getting to about 7" long. They have already produced leaves and what looks like the beginnings of a flower bunch.

    Since this is still a young plant and very early in the season should I remove these flower things? I know this will probably improve root growth into its new pot but I'm worried about ruining the vine for the year.

    Its a white grape "Phoenix".

    thank you in anticipation

    Craig (1st post here)
  2. compostee

    compostee Gardener

    Oct 27, 2006
    hi craig,
    Having brought your vine indoors, i think you have fooled it into thinking its later in the year than it actually is. Pheonix would prefer a sheltered location, so either under glass or up a warm wall / fence. As you have it in a pot, I take it this will be it's permanent position. So you can move it around depending on the weather.
    I personally would remove the flower spike, it is too early, Allow it to create a frame work to which you can then prune to each spring. Don't forget to keep it watered and feed, through the growing season. This site may help you, Best of luck.
  3. craig

    craig Gardener

    Feb 26, 2007
    Thank you compostee,

    I think I should probably remove the flower spikes for a while but I feel sorry for the little guy; he's put so much effort into them! Ah well - needs of the many.

    thank you for your help

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