Grape vine

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by ukhunter08, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. ukhunter08

    ukhunter08 Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 8, 2010
    I have two grape vines in my greenhouse.They were put in last spring and started of realy well.
    Over the winter they have lostall the leaves which i no that happens.
    The problem i have is that the the main stems from the ground up to the tip of the vines have mildew all over them.
    Also the ends of the vines have rotted away about a foot or so.
    I have however cut back the other day to were it has life again and they look quite healthy in the middle.Like i said the main problem is the mildew on the outer side.
    As antone any ideas of how to tackle this as i dont want it to spread on to my grapes if i get any this year which will be its second year.

    Thanks ste...:gnthb:
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Grapes need ventilation, maybe they arn't getting enough.

    Grapes are best if grown completely cold with full ventilation all winter, its only in spring and autumn you might need to cut back on the fresh air, but then only during spells of bad weather.

    A certain amount of die back of the stems is normal each winter.

    I have a feeling the mildew will disappear once things warm up, but you will need to keep an eye open late summer early autumn for it on fruit and foliage.
  3. ukhunter08

    ukhunter08 Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 8, 2010
    Thanks for that pete i havethem at the back end of my greenhouse.
    It is in two sections and it has only bin the last coupple of weeks iv gone in to that section.
    There has been no vetalation at all all the windows have been shut.
    Think i will look out for that next winter and leave the window open,Thats if they do ok this summer:gnthb:

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