Grass Problems

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by harrywoody95, Mar 9, 2025 at 6:29 PM.

  1. harrywoody95

    harrywoody95 Apprentice Gardener


    So this is a lawn I sowed myself 3 years ago. I've put a lot of hours and care into looking after it, I fertilise once or twice a year and mow regularly when it is actively growing. since the first year this lawn has had a few issues will yellow/green areas in the lawn. I have tried fertiliser, stabbing a fork all over it and giving it a wiggle to get it to drain better and dethatched it multiple times.

    Here are some pictures of it today. this is after I have dethatched it. I have de thatched around 3 bags worth of thatch and it looks like I haven't touched it. The thatch that is left it attached at the root making it hard to get up with a garden rake.

    I've done so much research on what I should do to help it and no matter what I've tried it hasn't solved the problem. dethatching has never really helped. I didn't notice a different after trying to aerate the roots and help drainage. and fertiliser really helps the green bit while the middle of the lawn doesn't seem to react to it as well, although it definitely does something it doesn't seem like a lack of nutrients is the problem either.

    Any idea's would be greatly appreciated, this is the year i would really like a flourishing green vibrant lawn

    Laid on top soil that was my own soil recycled and brought back to me (rocks and roots removed), seeds were a mix from miracle gro, fertiliser is a combination of granules and liquid from miracle gro (I don't use both at the same time and use either the liquid or granules twice a year max).

    Thanks for reading


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  2. JennyJB

    JennyJB Head Gardener

    Mar 13, 2024
    Doncaster, South Yorkshire
    This might be a daft question but are your mower blades good and sharp? It looks rather like the grass blades have been pulled/torn rather than cut cleanly. Some of the finer grasses like fescues are quite tough and wiry so the mower needs to be sharp.

    Like the pics here Keep your mower blades sharp - The Lawn Man
    • Agree Agree x 1
      Last edited: Mar 9, 2025 at 9:05 PM

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