Green Peppers Big Problemo!

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Winnie, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Winnie

    Winnie Gardener

    Mar 18, 2008
    OK ... so I'm going along nicely ... getting all excited over my pepper plants doing so well ... when a couple of weeks ago I noticed some tiny caterpillars on the leaves. Got rid of them by picking them off and disposing of them. Since then the leaves have great chomp marks along the edges and then in the middle of the leaves ..... discovered a slug ... OK, then a couple of nicely sized peppers develop holes in them .... and then the new tiny peppers are all dropping off the plants!!!!!!!!!! Cannot find anything on t'internet .... So, once again I'm looking to the friendliest forum guru's to help me out!!! Any ideas chaps??

    A bientot!
  2. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Is it ALL the peppers falling off or just a few? Could be natural shedding of the fruit so that the others survive (very british stiff upper lip stuff).
    Did you notice what type of caterpillar (larvae)? Maybe they left something behind or they hide when they see you coming...
    As for treatments I'm coming up with nothing if there's nothing to see there:( Sorry and I hope its not a virus.
  3. Winnie

    Winnie Gardener

    Mar 18, 2008
    Well ... the new 1 inch size seem to be dropping off near the top of the plants .. every morning when I go down to see them there's a couple more on the floor. The caterpillars were probably 1/4inch long ... if not less .. really tiny ... they'll be french of course so dunno what species .... I've looked through my books but peppers aren't a serious subject in any of them. Cannot find anything on the 'net' ....

    I've cut two peppers off this morning as part of my 'rescue' plan ... before something decides to eat into it ... as has happened with the 'biggest' peppers. They're in the greenhouse with melons, cucumbers and toms (if that's anything to go off) ... I'm beginning to think, seriously, that I have too many plants in there .... six of each ... in a 2m x 3m house. Plus the weather's a bit iffy ... hot, hot, hot ... then rather cooooooooool ........... and wet! So lots of things brought into question .... Oh, and yes, when it's been really nice I've been putting the peppers outside the greenhouse so they get a good airing and sunshine!!

    Well ... cup of tea sounds good .... a bientot!


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