Greenhouse Gardening

Discussion in 'Greenhouse Growing' started by shimsham, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. shimsham

    shimsham Gardener

    Feb 18, 2008
    Hi. This is my 1st year with greenhouse gardening i am hoping to grow a few tomatoes and cucumbers.I have been told the tricky part of growing tomatoes is in the watering can anyone on the forum give me any guidence on this especially on very young plants [ before the 1st truss ]or any other advice which i would appreciate.Regards Colin
  2. wilroda

    wilroda Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    Tomatoes are easy to grow, just follow a few simple rules.

    I usually plant mine in grow bag soil, but in very ...very large pots. If using a grow bag only put two plants in each one.

    Provide support for the growing plants by way of a cane or string attached to the grow bag. You can get frames to spport them but they are quite expensive.

    If you do nothing else you must water and feed your plants regularly. Never let the soil dry out as you could end up with deformed toms. I water mine every day, sometimes twice.
    Buy some tomato feed and feed them regularly after the first truss has set. Remember that the compost only holds goodness for about 4-6 weeks.

    As the main shoot grows pinch out any side shoots regularly and remove the top when you have seven trusses or the plant hits the top of your greenhouse!

    Some people grow marigolds in the grow bag or nearby as a deterrant for aphids/whitefly but I have never done that as i have never had any problems.

    Hope this helps and I am sure someone else will be along to give you further advice
  3. shimsham

    shimsham Gardener

    Feb 18, 2008
    Thanks Wilroda for that. I have just put some young plants in the greenhouse about 4ins high [ shirley] how much water per week would they want until they hit the 1st truss. Cheers
  4. wilroda

    wilroda Gardener

    Feb 20, 2008
    Just keep them well watered and they will do fine.

    I notice you mention cucumbers too. I have had problems in the past with getting them started. They have a nasty habit of rotting off at the neck if you overwater them. When you plant them raise them up a bit onto a mound and dont overwater them until they get going.

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