Ground cover to mark out grave - options? Chamomile?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by weedcontrol, May 24, 2012.

  1. weedcontrol

    weedcontrol Apprentice Gardener

    May 24, 2012
    Hi all
    This is both a hello to introduce myself to the forum and a question. I've searched but unsurprisingly couldn't find anything that quite covered it.

    My dad died last year and was buried in a beautiful natural burial ground in Sussex.
    The burial ground is a large field on the South Downs that is being dug with graves and planted with young trees so it will eventually be part wooded, part open field.

    As the site is all natural, the graves are only marked with small biodegradable wooden plaques and theoretially no planting allowed to be done.

    The one shame is that as the graves grow over with grass its difficult to see where they once were and it would be nice to have some way of marking my dads.

    I had the idea of planting chamomile so it would look nice, would mark the shape of the grave and would be low so its mowable by those who maintain the site. I asked the site owners and they are happy with us planting either chamomile or something else low, mowable and indigenous to the UK.

    The site is populated by a healthy rabbit population and sometimes has deer roaming so whatever we choose needs to be able to put up with these whilst getting established.

    If anyone has any advice on whether chamomile is viable in these circumstances or has any other suggestions I would really appreciate it.

    Many thanks in advance
  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Hello Weedcontrol and welcome to Gardeners Corner,firstly sorry for your loss....
    On reading your post the first thing that came to mind was native wild flowers but then noticed that the field is yes camomile sounds good but i don't know how it would fair with the rabbits....sorry i can't be of any help but someone will be along with some good ideas and advice:dbgrtmb:
  3. Spruce

    Spruce Glad to be back .....

    Apr 10, 2009

    Sorry to hear of your loss

    Mine is a easy solution , take out the grass that is growing already and sow new grass seed (one from a DIY shop) is ideal, this should stand out as it will be a diffrent grass to the others growing in the area and should be able to mark out the space you require plus with the mowing rabbits etc should work realy well.

    I know this works as from 2 previous houses the guy opposite my house had a triangle bordercut in the middle of his lawn, he used to grow his bedding plants this all got to much for him and he planted grass seed but you could always see the shape with the lawn seed he had used if this makes sense sorry I rambled on a bit ...

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    • weedcontrol

      weedcontrol Apprentice Gardener

      May 24, 2012
      Thanks both for the advice. The grass is a genius idea that hadn't occurred to me at all.
      Anyone any ideas about the chamomile rabbits/deer issue?

      Many thanks all. Hope you're all enjoying the sun!

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