Ground Elder Help

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sam Smeesters, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. Sam Smeesters

    Sam Smeesters Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 26, 2020

    I have numerous areas in my garden that have ground elder, some are more progressed than others. I have been reading threads on here and other websites and I have a few questions.

    1) In a couple of flowerbeds where it's not rampant, would you try and dig it our then hit with Gallup 360 when shoots reappear? Or not bother digging it up and just use gallup?

    2) Once you have treated an area and the GE has died, when do you dig it up?

    3) What time of year is best to treat GE?

    4) It has started to creap into the lawn in certain areas, is weedol the best lawn weedkiller or is there something else you recommend? Looking at threads in here Verdone Extra and kaskara have been recommended but these are now discontinued.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. Sheal

    Sheal Total Gardener

    Feb 2, 2011
    Dingwall, Ross-shire
    Welcome Sam. :) Gallup 360 is a systemic killer which means when sprayed it will be taken down through the plant and kill the roots, so there's no need to dig it out. You can dig it out when it's dead if you prefer or leave it to rot down. With all weeds it's best to spray them when they are actively growing from mid spring through to autumn. Be careful when using Gallup as it will kill anything it touches and best used on a windless day so there's no drift. Stick to the recommended dose too.

    Weedol took over the Verdone label and they both are/were very good lawn weed killers. I'm not sure whether Weedol will be strong enough for ground elder though but it's worth trying it. If it has some effect but doesn't kill it, give it a second dose after about six weeks.

    Ground elder tends to put out running roots which is why it sprouts everywhere (I have it unfortunately), so there's a possibility those you spray with Gallup in your flower beds may actually be linked to those in your lawns and will die anyway.
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