Growing From Seed

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sammy J, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. Sammy J

    Sammy J Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 22, 2005
    Have started growing calendula, sweet pea, poppy, lavender, evening primrose and pansys from seed.

    Some did not survive or sprout at all, Sweet pea, Calendula and a 3rd and 4th which are mixed up and can't tell what they are yet, have survived.

    So I am looking for info on what these plants like best to grow, eg amount of sunlight, water, food, drainage for good blooms. I am new to gardening sites and would appreciate advise or good links/ info sites for my resources...

    If you are interested in natural health or food, I can give you great info in return : )


    Sam xx
  2. Mrs cloudy

    Mrs cloudy Gardener

    Mar 6, 2005
    Hi Sammy

    I am certainly no expert in growing from seed but i have grown calendula and sweet pea without any probs a few times. As far as i can see those two are pretty indestructable. Ive got poppies this year and they are doing fine so far but ive been advised that they do not like to have their roots disturbed so ive thinned them to one plant per cell.

    Ive sown them in seed compost and am giving them as much water as they want. Ive just put them out to the coldframe to start hardening off. Good luck with yours
  3. Sammy J

    Sammy J Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 22, 2005
    thank you ...was explained harden process today...I was leaving them outside at night!!! Think have identified the questionable plants as pansies which are also pretty hardy too?

    thanks for the reply


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