Growing things in pots

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Vindaloo, May 23, 2010.

  1. Vindaloo

    Vindaloo Apprentice Gardener

    May 23, 2010

    First question here from me - I'm a total beginner when it comes to gardening, we've been trying to basically create a garden out of what was a building site, pretty much, when we moved in. We're part of the way there now but we have no money and even less time to spend on it at the moment. One of the main issues is the soil - it's awful - just basically clay but it's also full of bits of broken rock and brick, really poor.

    I really wanted some plants and flowers in the garden, it was suggested that I grow them in pots for the time being. I bought a few plants and some compost, and a very generous freecycler gave me loads more plants. I've put them all into pots today - no idea if I've done it right, plants tend to die on me even if I just look at them, so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed...

    As an added complication, I don't even know what most of the plants I was given are. Is there any general advice for growing plants in pots? How often should I be watering them? My garden doesn't get much sun, except for one spot at the bottom - should I be rotating the pots so they all get a bit of direct sun? Also some of the plants I was given looked a bit dry and wilted, should I be watering them more regularly until they pick up? Do I need any kind of plant food or fertiliser?

    Told you I was clueless, sorry this is so rambly. But any advice on growing mystery plants in pots would be gratefully received!

    Thanks :flwsml:
  2. PeterS

    PeterS Total Gardener

    Mar 18, 2005
    N Yorks
    Hi Vindaloo

    You can grow loads of things in pots. Its pretty easy. But the thing to remember is that they will be dependant on you. This means that you must water them, essentially everyday when the weather is hot. And you might like to feed them - though this isn't absolutely necessary. I use MiracleGrow as a feed thats soluble in water. I just make up a watering can with a scoop of MiracleGrow and then water as I would normally. Once a month would be fine, but once a week would be even better.

    Your plants will usually tell you if they are too dry. They will wilt, but should recover an hour after watering. However don't let them get that short of water. Remember that water is lost through the leaves. So the more foliage a plant has the more water it will need. If the compost is still pretty damp to the touch - they won't need watering that day.

    Try and find out what sort of plants you have. Take some photos and put them in a thread in the identification part of the forum. I am sure someone will be able to identify them. Once you know the name of the plant, you can have a Google and learn a bit more about it. How big it will grow, and if it likes a lot of water or only a little.

    You can rotate pots, but generally it is not necessary if they are outside.
  3. Vindaloo

    Vindaloo Apprentice Gardener

    May 23, 2010
    Thanks Peter, I'll try and get some photos of the mystery flowers! I do know I have a hellebore, forget me nots, ladies mantle, a herb (lemon balm) and something called lambs ears or something like that? And a hyacinth. And possibly some kind of ivy (which looks particularly sorry for itself!) but then I still have lots I can't identify so photos will follow.

    Thanks for your reply, I'll get some miraclegrow!

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