growing veg

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by boebrummie, May 5, 2010.

  1. boebrummie

    boebrummie Gardener

    May 3, 2010
    west midlands
    hi again peeps.
    how does everyone get a good crop that lasts through the year. as i want to eventually be able to supply my self and family for most of the year. how does it work. i have growing at the moment, onions and carrots in one bed. potatoes and beans in another bed. broccoli and beetroot in a 3rd bed. savoys and corn in the 4th but hoping to plant my cauliflowers in a 5th, and might have a 6th. if i can fit one in. i also have some garlic, even though i have wild garlic. im planting cucumbers in pots with a cane support. upside down tomatoes. thyme/basil/chives and corriander,would love some where for sunflowers for the seeds. but not sure if have just gone over the top or what.
    all help very appreciated
  2. NewGardener

    NewGardener Gardener

    Mar 29, 2010

    You're subscribing to the same train of thought as me, I wish you well in it. I think the best way to have a supply all year round (from what I've read) is to brush up on storage techniques, ready for when you've got a glut of produce, I'm considering building a clamp, and once I get chance, but up a shed purely for storing crops until needed. I read a really good article on storing your harvests, but it's on the PC, which I'm not on at the moment, but I'll find it and post it for you later. It's a good read, if nothing else. :)
  3. boebrummie

    boebrummie Gardener

    May 3, 2010
    west midlands

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