Guess what I've just had to do

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by clueless1, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Our toilet sprung a leak at the weekend. Luckily just a slow drip, and even more luckily it was the fresh water supply pipe and not the other less pleasant pipe that was leaking. So naturally, I delayed mending it until I could be bothered, choosing instead for the time being to place plastic containers under the drip.

    If I'm honest, I knew in advance that leaks tend to start off slow, and then get worse without warning, as whatever seal has already started to fail finally succumbs completely to the pressure of the water.

    Around tea time, the monsoon arrived in our kitchen. It was raining from many points on the kitchen as I ran to the main water tap thingy.

    A quick trip into town to catch Wilkinsons before they shut had me a few quid lighter, and equipped with some brand new, but as it turned out completely wrong parts, which I only realised was the case after the first half hour of trying different contortionist positions trying to find a way to get to the various bits I felt I had to extract. Of course by this time all the shops were shut and I was faced with the prospect of having no water supply all night and most of tomorrow.

    I guessed it was probably just a bust seal, so I cannibalised the new parts for the rubber seals, cleaned up the old parts, put the new seals on, and stuck it all back together. Now, touch wood, it seems to be fixed for now.
  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    I hope so Clueless:dbgrtmb: to be on the safe side i'd go to bed wearing a snorkle and flippers:WINK1::biggrin:
    • Like Like x 3
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Never tackle a pumbing job unless the trade outlets are open is my motto.
      • Like Like x 5

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