Hanging Basket Compost

Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by trogre, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    I am wondering if someone can clue me up on something I am confused about.For the last couple of years I have purchased Homebase garden compost which I have dug into the borders.Never had any problems with Begonias,Petunias etc flowering.
    I even mixed some up with nice black compost from my compost bin and put in a couple of containers for left over flowers,again lovely display.

    However I read that for hanging baskets you need multi purpose compost, and ordinary compost,I again presume they mean garden compost is no good.I think on the back of compost bag it says the compost contains bark.

    I have 2 bags of this compost left but am a bit reluctant to use it,again mixed with my compost from bin for hanging baskets but as I say it seems to work ok in border and a couple of containers.

    One more thing if you do not mind? I have read how water retaining crystal,gel, is good to have in h/basket.The trouble seems to be there are many brands out there.Can any one recommend a brand as they seem to sell them from B & Q to Wilkinsons
    Watching a video on You Tube they suggest putting 2 things into basket,Saturaid and Crystal Rain.True it is a video from Australia where weather is a tad hotter than UK so do I need 2 things in baskets for water retention.
    Thank you
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Not sure about those products Trog, I use the clay balls as moisture retainers, seem to work ok.

    Can't think about hanging baskets without thinking about Shepton Mallet about 6 years ago.
    We'd met up for some emergency works after the most horrendous downpour the night before, there had been fire engines pumping out basements & the roads were flooded.

    As we were discussing the works, we noticed a council van watering the hanging baskets.:DOH::DOH::DOH:
  3. HarryS

    HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

    Aug 28, 2010
    Hi Trogre
    When I plant a hanging basket , I use a multipurpose PEAT based compost , try not to use peat free . The concensus on here seems to think that Wickes or B and Q's own brands are best . To this add water retaining gel , any make will do . Also buy some slow release fertiliser pellets , and mix both these items into the compost as per instructions on the box. If you are not sure what to buy, ask someone in the shop. Do a google search on hints and tips to plant your basket. if it is a summer basket you are planting, the beginning of May is a good time to plant it.:dbgrtmb:
  4. cajary

    cajary Gardener

    Feb 22, 2007
    Hi Trog. We use the Westland compost that has water retaining properties, it does work. I think the water retaining gels are all much of a muchness:WINK1: We just use the cheapest ones available. They sell them on the Shopping channels. They don't seem to be any better than any other ones. Hope this helps.

    Ziggy, in our area that job is "contracted out" to a guy I know. He just loves wet Summer days.:heehee:
  5. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

  6. trogre

    trogre Gardener

    Feb 9, 2011
    Thank you all for your advice.I have not ventured into HB that much but I always look on in envy at some that I see.You just cannot see the basket anywhere for flowers, especially the ones that hang and cover the sides.Mine look puny by comparison and I am determined to at least try to do better.
    This year I have ordered Begonias,Double petunias,Trailing Antirrhinum Lampoon Mix ,+ Hanging something else,cannot remember the name at moment:what:.Hopefully display will be a lot better.

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