Hardy kiwis

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by vrana, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. vrana

    vrana Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 23, 2010
    By this name we call frost hardy species.Its fruit have smooth skin and fruit is edible with skin.Mostly taste of this fruit is far better than usual kiwi which we can bought in grocery.And not only this.Content of vitamin C is many more higher than in usual kiwi.It is even so high, that it is probably most healthy fruit in the world, it reaches 1520mg% and more.
    Main specie which is now produced in large scale production is Actinidia arguta and close to it species.This specie have more than 100 sortswith various taste.Large scale production of it is in New zealand, Chile, USA, France, Poland and many other countries. I like this fruit very much. Second specie is Actinidia kolomikta.Mostly it have small berries but bigger berries sorts began to occure. In USA is known "Actinidia enthusiasts journal" and good sortiment have onegreenworld company for sale.
    I recomend for every garden have this kind of fruit.I love it.Fruit is soft, so it needs to be colected into small packets like raspberries.In garden I like to eat it just from bush, but we are making preserves, compots,jams.
    I am breeding it for 40 years and I managed to made very good sort Vitakola.I try to put here photo. Actinidias are mostly dioecious, so you need to plant both,mail and female plant.It grow like liana so some pergola or konstruccion is necessary.I let them grow on trees.A.kolomikta is resource for making superfood products.See photo of sort Vitakola
    <img src="http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/2444/19100119.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"/><br/>Shot at 2009-06-17
    I believe, that specie kolomikta will be in future also in large scale prod.
  2. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    Hello Vrana and welcome to GC.

    I don't know about the different sorts, but I have sometimes seen the smooth kiwis in the shops. They are more golden in colour, aren't they?

    Your picture is amazing, I didn't know that kiwi produced so many fruits!

    We had a kiwi once, but nothing came of it. Although it was supposed to be a self-fruiting one, I think it wasn't. Perhaps I should try again.

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