Has my Fuschia died? and more questions....????

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by deepbluewave, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. deepbluewave

    deepbluewave Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 30, 2009
    Hi folks!

    I am new to gardening & only have a patio so all my plants are in pots. I have had a beautiful fuschia for the past few months.
    I recently came back from 2 weeks away-& he looks to have died? He is woody-his flowers arnt opening (Im not sure what type he is-but defo the most common type)
    I have looked through some books-but find it hard to believe he is going into his winter mode. I live in London, so still quite warm & its not even September.
    I have brought him inside just in case.
    Any ideas?????? These books also said I should cut him down-do I do that now or in spring? Should I keep watering him or leave him be a bit????:cnfs:

    Also- can I keep the soil in my pots of next summer-or can I re-pot winter plants in them? As I have no where to store it.

    Does anyone know anything about Nemnsai fruticans Nuvo Rose? For something I never had to care for, he also died while I was away-I have read he will come back next year-do I bring indoors or shall I just leave him. They all look very unsightly I am tempted to bin the lot!!

    Any thoughts..muchly appreciated!!!
  2. has bean counter

    has bean counter Gardener

    May 14, 2007
    Probably suffering from lack of water or too much water

    Were the pots standing in a dish and were the dishes full of water when you returned from your hols?

    If lack of water then give them a good sooaking, preferably standing the pots in a bucket or bowl of water for a hour. Dried out compost is difficult to re-wet. Use a soil-based JohnInnes No 3 next year and when you repot

    If too much water, then take away the dish and let them drain

    Too much water is more difficult to rectify.
  3. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Were the plants watered while you were away ? If not they're probably drought stricken. Even if it has rained plants in pots sometimes have so much foliage that water can't get into the pots. I would check the compost and see if it is dry and if so give them a good watering by standing in a bucket of water and see what happens. They might recover.
  4. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    What does the plant fuschia look like. Have the leaves completely dropped off or are they brown and sticking to the branches? it is not normal and it is not getting ready for winter and I think it just dried out. Do as the others say. What I would also do is scratch some of the bark with a fingernail. If it is green underneath that bit is still alive and might shoot given water. If it is brown it is dead and nothing will revive that bit. You often get die back when woody plants suffer from drought.

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