growing Scadoxus the Fireball Lily? I've been looking (more like drooling)over a plant catalogue and noticed this wonderful looking plant, I thought it might fit into my longed for tropical theme on the back garden. I would love to know how easy it is to grow them, I know that like most summer bulbs you have to lift and place them in a frost free place to over winter them but that's about it!
Helen, I can't remember. Do you have a greenhouse? (No I an not blowing my horn about mine - but it's already showing its worth.) I seem to remember you got a cold frame and mini-heater so that might do for over-wintering. These semi-tropicals are all fairly easy as long as you don't let the frost get them.
Yes you're right John got the cold frame and the greenhouse heater but no greenhouse up yet, the greenhouse is in the works just waiting for some decent weather before putting the footings down so with a bit of luck I'll have it for....... next winter! :D Thanks for that link Dee it is a beauty isn't it I found it in spring catalogue they are �£3.45 for each bulb but if you buy two you get one free (almost like shopping at Morrisons) so that's not too bad is it? specially as the leaves are kind of a nice size too. It says in the book that you can keep them like your pick-up summer bulbs like gladioli and just store them in a frost free place so it might not be too hard to grow them, or is that some famous last words?