Have I made a pigs-ear of this?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by LittleD, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. LittleD

    LittleD Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 20, 2005
    Got a veg plot 16ftx8ft manured last year and left over winter - I think I got this bit right.

    If you look at the oblong of the plot so short sides are left and right and the long sides far and near sides North point from the top of the short left side to the bottom of the short right side (does this explain well enough which way the plot faces?)

    My problem is how to plant it up I have run peas along the long side top and erected a netting fence, next rows down are two of early spud next rows down two of very early spud left a big space in the middle and them planted carrot beetroot and finally parsnip at the closest long side can anyone see problems here and have I made a pigs ear of planting position never had so much space before and couldnt find a planting plan suggestion anywhere thanks
  2. SteveW

    SteveW Gardener

    Feb 1, 2005
    Hi there

    with a bit of luck it might all turn into a silk purse [​IMG]

    As long as it gets plenty of light all round (no gigantic fences or hedges) it shouldn't make too much difference position wise

    With my allotment we have an area that is always damp and the soil never seems to dry out and so we try to keep that area for runner beans as much as crop rotation allows

    Good luck

  3. Bayleaf

    Bayleaf Gardener

    Mar 22, 2005
  4. LittleD

    LittleD Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 20, 2005
    Thanks both
    Steve, we took a big old apple tree down at the end of last year it lay and the west side of the plot so all the mid summer 11am - 4pm sunshine was blocked out it gave so much more light that I got really enthusiastic about my new,light veg plot this is why I wanted to get the planting right.
    Bayleaf spot on, I don't know how to attach an image to my reply, if you keep the oblong the same and rotate the text (north south etc)slightly clockwise that is how the point of the compass sit on my plot

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