
Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by weekend gardener, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    I saw in one of my garden books how to build a home for a hedgehog, so I built one under the hedge, and then mixed muesli with water in a bowl for it, then but the bowl in a frame like a tunel with plastic so the rain doesn't get in but the muesli never gets eaten, am i doing something wrong?

    I also saw another idea to put an old kettle with a handle which the birds sit on to feed their young.
    I filled the kettle with grass and then put it in a hedge so the birds could nest in it, it's quite hidden but the birds never bother with it.
  2. use to be gardener

    use to be gardener Gardener

    Nov 11, 2006
    give them time the headgehogs may be scared to enter your house for them as it is new to them as the kettle is new to the birds .
  3. weekend gardener

    weekend gardener Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    thanks I will try to be a bit more patent.
  4. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Hedgehogs can travel a mile during the night - though at this time of year, most will be going into hibernation.

    Piles of leaves, and woodpiles can make good attractive shelters - but the thing that attracts them is a garden where they can forage for worms and such. I have one visiting my garden - snuffling in the undergrowth for worms and such like - but he/she doesn't stay.

    Be patient - if your garden has what a hedgehog wants, he/she will visit, and then if its really right, he may reside there.
  5. JEN.K

    JEN.K Gardener

    Feb 16, 2006
    Hi, I adopted a rescue hedgehog from a place in liverpool and although i had a house made for it I was told that somepeople never see the one they've rescued as they find their own hiding places and they might use the house then again they might not.

    Mine decided not... it has a little home under some logs in my "wild" garden (not quite got upto that section yet...) but as it's next to my vegi patch I'm quite pleased
  6. compostee

    compostee Gardener

    Oct 27, 2006
    Hubby made me hedgehog house, identical to our house. I looked ever so sweet. We had a hoglet that we helped to gain weight for the winter last year. We put him in the house and he seemed quite happy for a while. But on letting the dogs out last oct. There was a bit of a scuffle and on looking, found 3 hegdehogs. Obviously, the tenant, landlord and squatter having a dispute. Don't know which one won, but it had an occupant over winter.
  7. JarBax

    JarBax Gardener

    Jan 20, 2007
    We had a homemade hedgehog house - an old orange crate with a pondliner offcut roof with stone edging. We lined it with dried grass and leaves, and hid it under our lilac tree. Several years later, I decided to investigate, and found the dried grass to be still dry and grassy, the slaters loving their home - but no sign whatsoever of hedgehog ever having been in residence!

    We have had at least 3 hedgehogs in and around the garden over the years, I have put piles of dried leaves under lids for them, and in the morning, there has been a leafy trail - the pile depleted (I like to think they nested under the hedge). We spent many late nights watching and listening to them snuffle and snort about in the garden - no doubt enjoying any pieces of apple or raisin the blackbirds have missed.

    However, unfortunately, there have also been a couple of hedgehogs killed on our street - and it is a short cul-de-sac. I think the best place for them has got to be somewhere undesturbed - under the shed or somewhere equally difficult to find!

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